First certificate victims remembrance day cost the Lehman bankruptcy on September 15, 2009 so far tens of thousands of German high sums, because they had certificates of the US Investment Bank. The nightmare scenario could repeat itself, the gambler papers are sold well. The ignorance is terrifying. \”, reports the mirror on September 11, 2009. So this happens every year, unsuspecting of the independent brokers InveXtra has the certificate victims remembrance day\”launched. The Invextra had warned already at July 27, 2007 publicly against the risks of certificates, so more than a year before the Lehman bust.
This is to read on the Web site under the article experts warn investors before comparison with funds and certificates\”. Nevertheless rushed tens of thousands in the misfortune and bought certificates instead of State-regulated investment fund products, because they had not read this warning or not taken seriously. This now to deal with the certificate victims remembrance day\”change, so that even more independent media about the risks of Certificates report and investors of which are used in knowledge. Every year bust is now at 15.09 on the Lehman Brothers reminds and pointed to the risks of structured certificates products for private investors. On the website can interested more information and recent articles relating to certificates and certificates victim query.
\”, as Dipl.-kfm. Raimund Tittes, CEO of InveXtra.\” So the mirror on the following case September 11, 2009 on reports: the ignorance is appalling. She are believed to \”invest\” in some German explains a 73 year old pensioner. Because the consultant always Lehmann said instead of English Lehman. The conversation lasted ten minutes – and of course the former Clerk had no idea what certificates are then.