One should understand the climate change not only as a threat but as an opportunity already \”green\” funds prove that ecological commitment and attractive yields are not mutually. While the demand will increase considerably for climate protection measures in the coming years – because only so can prevent the collapse of the Earth’s heat. The preventable disaster so far submitted three reports the UN Climate Council leave no doubt: climate change can no longer hold on, the temperatures will rise. But emissions by 50 per cent and the shift away from fossil fuels by 2020 in favor of cleaner technologies, succeed the reduction proposed by the experts of global CO2 – just in time for stopped plus 2 Celsius temperature increases can be. A border that will decide the survival of millions of people. But the consequences of these events are technically manageable, assure the climate experts – provided, the efforts in terms of climate protection are also consistently increased as the efforts, the protection to increase before the unavoidable climate change impacts. In this sense, also private investors have the opportunity to engage: keep with investments in funds, the shares of those companies, providing appropriate products and services – as it were the ABS for the safe emergency stop. The vast majority of climate scientists sees a clear link between man-made emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane or nitrous oxide and the rise in global temperature – and the resulting increase in severe weather events.
Consequently, the reduction of CO2 emissions in particular is now deemed most important measure to the climate catastrophe are not climate change. Also in the United States – decried as often as the motor of the greenhouse effect – this view is becoming more and more. The ten largest enterprises of the country, to reduce US emissions of climate-changing emissions by 30 per cent and to 2050 even to 80 percent by 2030 as demanded at the beginning of the year.