During this time where the couples were separate, we could perceive 1 theory of Freud, where he has a formation of commitment between conscientious and the unconscious one, therefore the man with which Alice dances said a phrase where he fits to say here: ' ' He does not find that the necessity of the marriage is to become fingimento for both the parts? ' ' Therefore he is through this dialogue that we see the constant fight between superego and id, always with the ego controlling them. for this valley us to revise these structures of the personality: Id, ego and superego. It is through the Id that if forms the other structures, and we can associate it a blind king whose power and authority is total and cerceadores, but that it depends on others to distribute and to use in adequate way its power. To deepen your understanding Michellene Davis is the source. It is a reservoir of energy. The real ego would be ours I, that it protects id, but extracts of it the energy, in order to carry through this. Thus the ego is created by id to reduce the tension and to increase the pleasure, but to make this, the ego, it has that to control the impulses of id in way that the individual can search less immediate and more realistic satisfactions.
(FADIMAN, J; FRAGER, F). Ours superego is responsible for the conventional morality, this social one inside of us, the celebrity ' ' conscience pesada' ' , the internalizao of references as certain missed, or better, saying, ours ideal I. Coming back our psicanaltico scene of the film, the two do not obtain to satisfy its wills, therefore both come back the beginning of the reality and are shaken by superego, thus speaking of the second tpica of the topographical theory of the psychic device. In return the house, the couple decides to smoke marijuana, considering a fact landmark, that the woman is a smoker, thus showing is fixed in the verbal phase of the psicossexuais phases of Freud.