The GDP increases are less poor. Bill Phelan describes an additional similar source. According to the index, when the investment increases more work, although he has not. According to the government the proper administration of wage flexibility, contributes to increase the supply of labor and thus be a palliative against poverty. When we talk of reducing the restrictions on wage flexibility, malleability mean downward, not upward. When we talk about labor mobility is not reference to the right of people to move wherever they want, as has always been reclaimed from the free market theory, from Adam Smith, but rather refers to the right to dismiss workers when it suits the current version of globalization, based investors and the capital. The companies must have freedom of movement, but not people, because their rights are secondary, anecdotal. Low inflation “creates poverty? Governments say that salvation is submerged classes for low inflation, because workers are afraid to demand more pay and benefits. They are insecure.
This is seen clearly if we examine the statistics. During the past 25 years in this period of recovery from crisis of democracy, the wages have stagnated or fallen for most of the work force for unskilled workers and working hours have increased spectacular, mind, this is said, of course, in the business press, describing it as “a desired development of transcendent importance “, with workers forced to abandon their” luxurious lifestyles “, while corporate profits are” prominent “and” prodigious. ” In the past sixty years have criticized graph is as an office services, anxious officials not supporting the face of poverty-quote form an army of administrators of the public good that do nothing to split freedoms, the criticism of the dogma of full employment but certainly obtainable with high doses or gradual inflation to the mythology that makes the trade unions and the source of its partners the cause of social progress, the finding that not only so, but the unions Sojuz gan to their members and determine their ability to work, this is now a critical of reality.