The corrosion is the disintegration of a material in its constituent atoms, due to chemical reactions with its surroundings. In the most common use of the word, electrochemistry of metals in reaction with an oxidant like oxygen usually talks about to the oxidation. The formation of an iron oxide due to the oxidation of iron atoms in solid solution is a good example known the corrosion electrochemistry, commonly known like oxidation. This type of damage typically produces oxide and/or salt of the original metal. The corrosion can also talk about to other materials different from the iron, such as the ceramics or polymers, although against this background, the term degradation is more common. In other words, the corrosion is the wearing down of metals due to a chemical reaction.
In 1975 the cost of the corrosion in the automobiles was considered in $ 16 billions, approximately 20% of the total cost of the corrosion of that year. Of there importance in the investigation and test in the different materials used for the manufacture from consumer goods like the indicated one. With the purpose of to evaluate the new and already existing materials for their use in applications of automotion, many methods of accelerated test have been developed. The procedures of accelerated test are realised with assiduity in laboratories specialized to the effect. A test in these research laboratories it is a relatively cheap form to obtain data on corrosion resistance of the components and to compare it with alternative materials. The field tests are considerably more faces, but they allow to evaluate the materials like a complete system. Some metals are intrinsically more resistant to the corrosion that others, or due to the fundamental nature of the electrochemical processes or due to the details of how the reaction products form. If a more susceptible material of deterioration is used, the preventive techniques must be included more like a point in the chain of manufacture.