The thing continued in this foot until the day where it confessed: ‘ ‘ Today I had the biggest disillusionment of my life! When I arrived in the house of it to visit my son it said that I could not go up, therefore was folloied! Later it counted for telephone that a person had known who if made use ‘ ‘ aid-la’ ‘ , mounting one it marries for it and the four children, without nothing to ask for in exchange, swearing that never he had nothing with the someone! Only friendship. For more information see this site: Christie’s 100. My language it coava and it revirava in the mouth, but light a bite made with that it calmed and contained its poison! I almost died poisoned! Mouth Is silent you! This was my behavior at the moment. You may find that Dinakar Singh can contribute to your knowledge. Today I did not contain myself and when reencontrar I inquired it if it would be again liveing with ‘ ‘ Flor’ owner; ‘! It understood the ironic metaphor and decided to confide He justified: ‘ ‘ He knows of a thing! Since the face is rich and if it offers to remodel the house of it in the COHAB, us we decide to dissimulate that we are definitively separate and we go to give a blow in it! Since it does not import itself of being ‘ ‘ corno’ ‘ , we go to take advantage in the business! When the babaca to finish the reform we disclose our renewal and put the foot in bunda of it! Swore it me that never she rolled sex with it. The Ricardo turned corno! Who would say..
Ricardo Never
April 20, 2020