Generally, the benefits that have been observed in the therapeutic contact with animal are: increase of the relaxation, the acceptance of one same one, elimination of the fears, to forget the problems or not to remember them of a so distressing way, to purely live more good and but the present, to improve the attention, observation and concentration, to improve the verbal and the nonverbal one communication mainly, to calm the aggressive feelings, to increase the sensation to feel dear and accepted as it is, to acquire and makes evolve emotional intelligence and help to surpass moments of great tension. The asinoterapia – therapy with donkeys ” it is a therapeutic alternative that is developed in different countries from years 50. The studies demonstrate that she is beneficial in the care and treatment of people with physical and mental problems. Concretely they reveal that the repetitive contact with donkeys improves the balance, contributes to the development of fine muscles and, thanks to the interaction with the animal, the vocabulary is stimulated, is reduced the hyperactivity in the children, the lack of attention, etc. It consists of touching to the animal, becomes through the exploration of his body, to be in contact with the enemy with him and their needs (feeding, cepillado and strolls), in this point the verbal and nonverbal direct communication that settles down, the caresses, contemplation and admiration stimulate favorably. The auditory and visual channels are important, but the kinestsico (tactile-emotional) is perhaps the one that greater therapeutic impact produces. Exercises alongside and above of the donkey practice, following the needs of each person. This type of programs must completely be individualized and be facilitated by professionals.
In the experience that has had it has directed to children from the 7 to the 14 years. The best results are being obtained in situations of hyperactivity, nervousness, depression, lack of concentration, excessive timidity, nourishing difficulties of communication and/or emotional expression, upheavals, psychosomatic diseases, phobias, etc The benefits of the interaction with the animal are more than verified, are an inexhaustible source of affection, positive company and effects for the health. The presence of a mascot in house and/or the regular contact with animal relax, release tension and increase the self-esteem. In addition it allows to develop to a level of communication and understanding different from the habitual one, that it even has favorable repercussions in professional planes, as can be the work in equipment, empathy, tolerance, etc By this and many things more, we consider the company of our mascots like an ally for our health. And if some physical and/or mental problem is had, it considers the possibility of a zooterapia attended by professionals, often the feeling the affection and company of a being that does not demand anything or questions or presses, can be the more useful that many bottles of tablets and other chemical treatments.