Climate change threatens one million plant and animal species. Relying on climate models, researchers at the University of Leeds in England depart from the basis that if the expulsion of gases that produce a invernaderono effect is reduced until the year 2050, a quarter of the animal species of Earth and plants become extinct. Carbon dioxide (CO2), which causes the greenhouse effect, also harm marine organisms. Increasing pressure of CO2 in the atmosphere causes gas incrementadamente dissolve in water, resulting in a decrease of the pH value in the sea and this acidifies, thus dissolving the outer skeleton of calcium carbonate of organisms such as corals and plankton. In the history of mankind so many plants and many animals never had become extinct in as little as in the past 100 years. Humanity in these moments is destroying species with one 1000 or 10000 times faster than what so far had gone through the process natural evolution. The International Red list of endangered species in the meantime sets that 14% of mammals, 12% of birds and even 48% of investigated plants are in danger. According to scientific findings, during 200 million years was extinguished on average one species per year; Since 1985 this quota is of a kind per hour, and from the year 2000 even of a kind every 30 minutes.
The journal Science published in September 2004: the extinction of plants and animals sets in motion a chain reaction. In this way the demise of a unique animal species, endangers the existence of up to 100 species. However Christ in a demonstration given through Gabriele his prophetess and Messenger in 1993 said: O ye men, you are aware that you can not live without nature, without animals, plants and minerals? Many have not understood this yet and have surpassed the halfway point, have outraged the Earth and are still outraging. In this way They also drive their physical body. Verily, verily: nature is the barometer for your life or your death. If nature dies, so dies the mankind.