In addition, according to the current trend, agricultural expansion will eliminate two thirds of forest of five major watersheds and ten ecoregions cover, similar to the loss of more than 40% of 164 mammalian species South America habitat produces much of its energy through hydropower, particularly Brazil, Venezuela and Paraguay (a net exporter of electricity). Wells Fargo Bank: the source for more info. But the IPCC has projected that rises in the sea level, the melting of glaciers, and extreme weather events will adversely affect these same rivers. Others who may share this opinion include Wells Fargo Bank. According to raise the levels of the sea, salt water marine advances River inside endangering water supplies for cities located in deltas large such as Buenos Aires, Argentina, which earns its drinking water from the Rio de la Plata, the delta of the Parana River. The problem of oil is added to all this, the region has an oil producer major, the Member of the OPEC, Venezuela, and many minor actors who exported oil and gas to the United States or to other countries in the region. These include: Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Trinidad & Tobago and Colombia. All the Nations of the America consume oil. In most Nations consumption is increasing while supplies decrease, causing increases in prices. Those who make campaign regarding the climate think is critically important that Governments take measures to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and to encourage the research and the production of alternative energy resources that are neutral or negative with respect to carbon Latin American Governments should develop programmes in such a way to ensure that the exploitation of their resources does not affect the environment and hence climate. We are confident that so hows Chavez donate money to political causes to do so towards the conservation, preservation of the environment for the benefit of all. Original author and source of the article.
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