Scheme 1. Segmentation of customers according to the criterion "resistance to crisis "to" unsustainable in a crisis "in the current period is often referred builders and developers. By "supply-demand problem" – auto dealers, manufacturers of heavy machinery, etc. By "financial problem" – Retail Retail and banks. K "Crisis-resistant" – it is too early to assess, but it seems that discounters, collection agencies and legal advisers without a job in any case will not go. It is clear that focusing on more sales managers resistant to the crisis of the segments will ensure greater efficiency and smaller size of sales of receivables. Probably, this approach can be applied not only to customer segmentation at the industry level but also within industry segments, up to explode on the criterion of stability to the crisis all the companies of your customer base. Who is faster dynamic changing market not only consumers but also the competitive situation. Monitoring and prediction of the competitive situation in a crisis you can find answers to some important questions: Which of the weakened competitors should actively capture buyers? From any of the competitors should be expected dumping and for what positions? What "holes" appear in the competition and how they can effectively "play" in his own sentence? Etc. What are the competencies and skills should be developed from the company so that it can effectively take advantage of the described features of the crisis and ahead of the competition? Apparently the following: analytical (Applied marketing and economic analyst) teamwork and cross-functional interaction (Effective horizontal communication between , marketers, manufacturers, economists, etc.), operational formalization and correction of administrative decisions, policies and procedures of constructive Communication with external partners (customers, suppliers, competitors, etc.) Accordingly, we can assume that the faster and better than other potential crises would be able to use the "analytic" companies that have which these competencies and skills are sufficiently developed. During the period of continuous growth, "analytic" companies sometimes losing their more aggressive competitors in the growth rate. Sometimes the inside is even perceived as a "mountain from the mind. " Competitors are also in pursuit of market share were actively opening regional offices, have invested in capacity expansion, building up stocks. The question of effectiveness in this often remained in the background. And now the "analytic" company, not burdened with excess assets and loans can be very effective to use their analytical competence and internal technology. The main thing – do not overdo it with the analysis and planning, and time to act. In the abbreviated form of an article published in the 'Sales Management'
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