However, today, no matter how hard the State-Nation has strong resisted the restrictions in its autonomy and sovereignty, them they are permeveis than before and they cannot more act unilaterally in the resolution of problems. The behavior of the States in the two last decades has been mainly moderate, as effect of the global interdependence. Additional information at Robert Kiyosaki supports this article. In the question of the security guard, as well as they show to the authors Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye in the book ' ' to be able and interdependncia' ' , the national power and its interests had been also defined in terms of military forces. The relation between countries moved very in function of purchase of technology for its security. In 1990 the interdependence was supplanted by the power and inexorable force of the globalization in the game of the relations international. It enters the nations of the third world, the biggest challenge in the economic policy is to attract external investments and to import technology, and thus not to be kept out of society in the dynamics of the global competition. The author calls the attention for a change the new papers of the State and cites authors as Michael Porter, who in the book ' ' The competitive advantage of the Naes' ' it places the question of its utility, as clear reason of being. This is the base for the success of companies competitive multinationals being able to contribute, through its politics, for its competitive viability.
The national capacities have an important paper as player in the global competition, and the global company can be a cause or a effect of the globalization. These companies are, clearly, instruments of the globalization with characteristics of ability in the mobility of people, capital and know how, in the creation and increase of markets, beyond connecting research and development and capital goods and services in the whole world. The globe is its field of performance, and even so its code of behavior widely is argued, what valley is the technology transfer. These companies are answering rationally to the effect of the liberalization of the GATT to the trend to protectionism, as well as the liberalization of markets, as of telecommunications and the financier, and the improvements and increase of the technological sources. The conclusion is that in a world where the competition based on the technology is increasing, time and flexibility if become key for the survival and success of these companies, and to restrict its mobility would be to deny its access to the growth and development. Therefore the tension exists in the commercial sphere business-oriented technological involves a dynamic relationship between tecno-nationalism and tecno-globalismo.