The Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia writes: pension plan comprise the totality of all measures taken to make the other living without limitations of the standard of living after being eliminated from the labour market by assets saving on or acquired rights. Ideally, regular monthly payments can be expected so that the standard of living and the consumption expenditure of the pensioner at the beginning of the pension must not be reduced. Over the years there is to be no limit lifestyle (ideal retirement). It continues! Today’s pension consists of the so-called three pillars”together: pillar 1: statutory provisions (deposits of compulsory contributions to the statutory pension insurance throughout the working life): pay-as-you-go. These include the statutory pension, the old-age pension of farmers (AdL), the professional supply (bps) and the civil service. 2 pillar: Supplementary purchase-based old-age pension.
Includes mainly the company pension scheme, but also auxiliary power supply of the public service (ZoD) 3 column: private pension plan (independent accumulation of equity capital with the possibility of later eating): equity savings plans, Riester-rente, Rurup pension, life insurance and real estate these possibilities are with the application and deposit of cash over a long period of time connected. This means that I must deposit money every month over a long period of time then when reached retirement age, age 67, of can Zehren where the height each corresponds to the amount over paid over the years. Whoever has money for deposits and a long time doing this, can afford even a good retirement and enjoy a reasonable pension existence. Has been shown only in recent years that fewer and fewer can raise the money that would be actually necessary to really enjoy a reasonable pension existence. “” Our today’s young people is already by: I get no pension anyway “, or also a unit pension”, in what amount, is talking. What allows now a pension which not is just by money payments over many years through investment of time in a few months or years? Each available and this brought intelligent time into a project which may have already been building up after a few months or years to a lucrative pension income without big money investment and risk. Yes, and it determines his pension height also yourself in the one more time invested. If you have some time to spare, then another pension solution of interest might be for you. Now you will say: I have no time but! “.” Then you should pay a still more in your private pension and wait until your pension General has arrived. If you but greatly want to shorten your time until then, then take at least the information!