After the market analysts, the rate of unemployment could reach digits for the end of year both. With numbers in red by where he is wanted to watch the Chilean economy, the government of Bachelet no it hoped to see the effects of the plan of economic stimulus announced time back and sent a new package of measures with a clear objective: to foment the credit for the SMEs (small and medians companies) and the families. Analyzing the 20 measures contemplated in the new plan of economic stimulus it is observed that 9 of them are directly of financial support to the companies, whereas the other 11 has an administrative objective since they are destined to improve and to facilitate the proceedings for the small ones and medians companies. Between the new measures they stand out the extension of up to three years, the term to reprogramar the tributary debts and the promotion of a greater competition in the credit market. According to estimations of the Chilean minister of Property, Andres Velasco: In our estimation, the set of these 20 measures could produce around US$ 3,600 additional million of additional private credit. Beyond the analyses that can be realised on the same, it is necessary to say that the new measures were well received by the specialists in the matter. In one it notices signed by Magdalena Winter, Bernardita Aguirre and Road Fernando in site Chilean Economy and Businesses, reproduced the opinion of Jose Ramon Valente, economist of Econsult, that considered the measures: Effective. In the sense that it is needed to enter the small area so that the things really happen. In that sense, I value that the retail task is made see where the credit is stagnating to eliminate those ties. Although they are not so easy to understand, they are super important, and that is positive.
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