THE Prime leadership start commenting that it is the first time that I write an article about leadership, doing so took me to a process of regression to my childhood and reflection. I remembered that in my classrooms of primary, always it protruded a companion that guided the group to where he wanted to, was characterized by being spontaneous, participatory, with great ease of Word and remember that even in walking distinguish, albeit not always who obtained the best scores. So throughout my academic life reminded those companion they were distinguished among the rest. Although at this stage we were unaware as he was called to that power which these colleagues about us, exercised now already so I can identify and name as leadership. For even more analysis, hear from Jeremy Tucker. Already in my stage of preparatory, I remember a teacher of 3rd year, who with their enthusiasm to teach their classes, exercised an influence on the group, and I was not the exception, since I decided to study economics, which I thank him, since I never imagine that this profession I apasionara me like you do. Occupationally, I have known people who with their drive and ability to solve problems, have left me great teachings, where this solution is based on that common sense, which is often the least common of the senses.
To the conclusion that I get, is that leaders are found at all levels and spheres of life, and at all stages of our development, are characterized by their attitude, commitment, simple in his speech, are often examples to follow not only in the professional field, but also personal, passionate with everything what you undertake in your life. I thank all those people that I knew from my childhood and that motivated me..