This theory is developed in depth in the book of Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh: The sacred enigma (Holy Blood, Holy Grail, in English) that was used by Dan Brown for its novel the Code Gives Vinci. It is indicated, that Santo Grial is appraised relic of the cristiandad. Infinity of European enclaves says to own the authentic chalice of last dinner. It has also been written, that the Grial is part of the medieval Christian mythology, that is to say, that lacks specific references in Biblical texts. Diverse elements have entered the formation of the myth, among them the monacales legend with their allegorical content and the preChristian references, to magical containers, like the horn of the abundance or the kettles of the cltica tradition. Later authors identify to the Grial with the philosopher stone of the alchemists, the supposed relics found by the Templarios or a reference guarded to the descendants of Jesus.
To a large extent, these investigators tie to elaborated conspirativas theories with little historical rigor. Peter Redgrove and Penlope Shuttle see in the imagery of the Grial a symbol of the feminine matrix and the menstrual cycle. One says, that he enters years 1180 and 1240se composes the majority of the novels regarding the Grial.El first author in mentioning to the Grial is, between 1181 and 1191, poet Chrtien de Troyes in his Perceval narration also called Him Conte du Graal-. The work, presented/displayed as taken from an old book, speaks of the visit of Perceval that inhales to being horseman of King Arthur to the castle of King Pescador, in which is shown a grial to him. Within the same there is a species of capsule that, miraculously, it feeds the wounded father on the King. Perceval does not ask for the meaning of this object, which is reproached to him later.