Asturian Parliament

December 19, 2012

Fernando Goi will be chosen president of the General Meeting of the Principality. The PSOE will finally support the candidate of the PP, leaving it go to FACE. The deputy of the PP Fernando Goi will be chosen east Wednesday president of the General Meeting of the Principality of Asturias in the plenary session of constitution of the autonomic Camera with the votes of his group and of the Socialist. This agreement leaves outside the Table of the regional Parliament to Asturias Forum (FACE) and IU-Los Green. The deputy of the PSOE Fernando Flagstone, in declarations to journalists before entering the chamber, has explained that to their party the option of which presides over the Parliament the PP has seemed him " more conveniente" that if made FACE, because they did not want that he agrees with the party that the regional Government will preside over. " The option by the Popular Party seems better to us than the other alternative posible" , Lastra has said, that it has clarified that " it is not that &quot is an agreement; , but there was " to choose between the different options, or president of Forum or the PP; it will be of the PP". One hour before the plenary session began of constitution of the General Meeting FACE reiterated – after last night failing the negotiations a supply according to the PP for all the legislature, that it included to support to the Popular Party for the parliamentary Presidency and the support of the PP to Francisco Alvarez-Helmet for the Presidency of the regional Government. The age table that will direct the constitution of the Parliament has been designated spent the 12,05 hours and will take possession sixteen deputies from FACE, fifteen of the PSOE, ten of PP and four of IU-LV. Source of the news: The PP will obtain the Presidency of the Asturian Parliament with the support of the PSOE

For Oliveira

December 12, 2012

To have understanding during the reading, the world knowledge must be activated. It is subdivided in: structuralized knowledge (when commanded) and partial (it includes what it is previsible in the situations). This knowledge is called project. The project determines, in part, our expectations on the natural order of the things. The reading is not an act to decipher or to guess graphical signals, and yes an interlocution process, is the meeting with the author who if of the one for the written word. From there the importance of the reading search significaes consisting from the reading of many other texts, becoming deeper its understanding of books and the life. Reading does not consist the mere one to pass the eyes in the line. It goes beyond, is: technique is relation between reader and text; it demands intellectual acuidade, sensitivity, experience; it involves knowledge and understanding of the words chores, express ideas, association of meanings, election of ugly association.

Evaluation of what creation is read. It reads to learn it is necessary one criticizes and systematic, that only can be acquired through practises. For Oliveira (2000) the process to read implies in the decoding? to translate the signals graphical: inteleco – says respect to the meaning of what it was chore, interpretation? apprehension of the ideal in the relations between text and the context; application of the content. Literature, art of the writings, amongst all the possibilities of the reading, most pleasant and richer. Through it we make contact with distinct time, distinct universes, people whom if they had liberated of ' ' law of morte' ' , producing texts that still re-echo in sensitivity and in the intelligence of all those that if interest for the life and the human being. When the reader if transforms into active citizen, is a source of significaes and implications that go being discovered to each reading.

For Plato

December 2, 2012

The bible tells that Jesus here in the land was: lover, patient, fidiciary office, just, rectum (…) is possible to be perfect. the ethics for its abrangncia, disclose that its proper arguments become empty for so ample abrangncia; the physical and mental space does not obtain to hold so vast quarrels. The reflections now if come back toward the attitudes and the concentrations of several to know, in search begin of it absolute of the behavior, based specifically on the religion: soon, thoughts of great theoreticians as, Scrates, Aristotle and Plato; in the direction to take the divisions ethical and its understanding being had relevance the theology: of a side the infidelity of the life human being is to cultuar the God; in as the aspect the pleasure is not a good nor one badly, In these perspectives, is firmed doctrines that place the happiness in the center of the ethical concerns, pointing ideal factors without, however to forget that it always has the necessity of comment of the reality circundamente our return; disclosing for intermediary of the good the praiseworthy attitudes before the society, that through the proper man integrally, if well to act will have the allegiance to convince others by means of that to present, immediately afterwards, the author presents the wisdom in that one somebody whose potential guides to it to decide on definitive subjects in view of the logic, the reason. For Plato this is the highest point well; already to Aristotle the empiricist comes to determine and to involve all the too much aspects of the life. In the context of the religiosidade and ethics he has had confusions, some thinkers still search to universalizar the concepts that if relate to the subject, being believed that the principles must be the same one for all at the same time; on the other hand they present that the trend of modernity values yes; the pleasures> in detriment of the reason and common-sense; the praticidade to considered the moral and ethical values until then, suffocating the moral and, at the same time causing concern concernente the ethics in this direction.

Antonio Eduardo Lanna

November 30, 2012

For return of 1920 in Brazil the concern with the scarcity of the water did not represent a problem in fact. To leave the middles of years 70 enter and more necessarily in years 80, the population and society of shy form had started it to still awake for a future problem caused due to culture of the wastefulness and ahead of the idea of being the water a good of each one and infindvel. Still today we can observe ladies washing sidewalk and using the water as if it was a source inexhaustible, in the past this image was a constant. We retake in our memory and in we will remember water draining sidewalk to them measures, people washing its cars and the gang of street urchin playing with the water hose. Second, Antonio Eduardo Lanna argues that: the grant of a resource whose availability is random, as the water, has the complicador fact of not knowing itself how much available in period and in local data will be determined.

This determines the establishment of the joint management of the availability and the hdricas demands. (LANNA, 2000, P. 89) In this context, it still has the insertion of the analysis of the quality of the water, due to integrated management of quality and amount, which reflects in the relation availability x necessary outflow to the dilution of pollutants or loads of pollutants. Of any luck, the definition of criteria and procedures of used nature administrative technique and in the examination of grant order and its application for the competent agencies of hdricos resources they are of utmost importance, a time that the clear rules of use of the water can guarantee the effective access to all the uses, in attendance the beginning of the preservation of the multiple uses, as well as assuring the quantitative and qualitative control of the uses of the water.

Autoirnicos Narrators

November 23, 2012

The Autoirnicos Narrators de Andres Sant? Anna and of Marcelo Mirisola ' '? I promise? (it promised, I tava there and heard). I heard, yes. Blota Jr Was padrinho.' ' Marcelo Mirisola In the Literature produced in the contemporaneidade more has a trend of narrators in first person who problematizam the reality where are inserted, or than this its narratives if they give to give one I beat in everything what it bothers to them, that them cause anger. After the reading of stories ' ' A varnish to be is enough feliz' ' , of Marcelo Mirisola and ' ' The Red Mattered one of No' ' , of Andres Sant? Anna, I noticed the disturbing quo are the repetitions of some expressions and the irony that of them emanate. In Sant? Anna, the images if disintegrate to the measure that the narrator, compulsory and meticulously reiterates, them in a chaotic and transbordante syntax of cynicism.

In this direction the narrator is subject and object of the disintegration, therefore the same, the time and the space if dilute in the dilvio of its rhetoric. In Mirisola, we have a narrator that he displays the life close of a couple of friends, its badone, its ' ' vidinha' ' aburguesada, however the proper narrator is a bad-character, face-of-wood that he needs much varnish to take advantage itself of that it criticizes. Peculiar characteristic to both the texts is the permanent presence of the irony in order to provide the desconstruo of the structures of being able. The irony serves to call the attention the readers for situations that many times pass unobserved, or even though, they are ignored had to the fact to be already so current and treated with naturalness for the public. Another important characteristic in stories is the ambiguity that drift of the expression resource irony.


November 20, 2012

MATERIAL AND METHOD Two methods of research exist: inductive, where from particular data a general truth is inferred, and the deductive one. In this research it will be used the deductive method that, according to Barros and Lehfeld (1986), consists of a metodolgico resource where the rationalization or combination of ideas in interpretativo direction valley more than the experimentation of case by case. In the deductive model all the information or fatual content of the conclusion already was at least implicitly in the premises. The bibliographical research documentary and has as purpose to collect, to analyze and to interpret the existing theoretical contributions on determined fact, as I defined Barros and Lehfeld (1986). Through the study of the existing documentation it is that the investigator obtains better conditions to formulate and to determine its problem. The field research, for Barros and Lehfeld (1986), involves the collection of data in the place through the comment. This work of field is characterized, also, for the direct contact of the investigator with the study phenomenon.

This form of study demands the adequate control and the enough discrimination of what it must be collected. Barros and Lehfeld (1986) they agree that in the research-action the researchers play an active role, it looks for to unchain action and to evaluate them in set with the involved population. It has an interaction between researchers and searched, the study object is constituted by the social situation and the problems found in the situation. E, finally, the objective is to increase the knowledge of the researchers and to increase the conscience of the people and considered groups. The instruments chosen for the collection are questionnaires, with open and closed questions, and interviews. Questionnaire For Barros and Lehfeld (1986) questionnaire is a more used instrument for survey of information. Restricted to one amount of questions is not determined, to put is advised that he is not very exhausting discouraging the searched one.

Emotional Intelligence

October 19, 2012

In fact, it tmese in account, that basic the emotional structure can be modified by means of a taking of brings back to consciousness and certain practice: the involved neurological circuits can be altered or be reinforced with repetition of certain habits. There a unique opportunity is abre to develop Emotional Intelligence: the childhood and the adolescence are two moments critics, but in the maturity the majority of the people can educate with advantage their emotions. Definitively it is important to identify how handling the emotions, where they are the main barriers that they prevent to obtain it, to take advantage of his potential such form that generates stimuli motivational that favor to him in the performance of their functions. For it is important to take into account the six principles from emotional intelligence are: 1. The emotions are a information form: they prepare us to the emotions for the action, they concentrate our attention and they give strength us.

Although the emotions not always are a source of intelligence, they generally provide information on relations and people. In other words, the emotions help us to survive. 2. To try to ignore the emotions rarely works: when people try to suppress the emotions in the name of the efficiency, usually she remembers less information. 3. People are not very capable hide-and-seek her emotions: the organizations only allow the expression of certain emotions like the anger; others, as the benefit, rarely are expressed.

4. An effective decision making must take into account the emotions: it does not leave of side his emotions, incorprelas absolutely to his decisions. The emotions are part than it makes the people human, and they really comprise of our rationality. 5. The logical landlords suppose the expression of emotions: the emotions influence in the thought. The positive emotions cause the creativity, you lie that the refusals allow us to concentrate us in the smaller details. 6. To take into account the universal and specific symbols from the emotions: for example, a happy face is recognized world-wide. * Source: Notes, forums of the chair organizational Behavior of the program management of the Quality and productivity of Phases. UC.

Region Metropolitan

October 15, 2012

However, that one that recognizes its difficulties, automatically clama for aid and is heard, recouping part of the lost time with the absence of the habit to read and to write, modifying for better its proper reality. 4. Auto-evaluation For an auto-evaluation, I take in consideration mine little availability of time for enrichment of the theoretical argumentativa recital through the complementary reading of workmanships others, important for the reflection corroborative dialectic or, believing to improve in the following stage. Vera conclusion Cross is a tourist city that occupies 71% of the area of the Island of Itaparica, in the Bay of All the Saints, Region Metropolitan of Salvador, in the state of the Bahia; it was emancipated 31 of July of 1962; it tried diverse modalities associativistas, cheating success in some, however of still bashful form. The participation accomplishes of the author as protagonist of the cooperation process and communitarian leadership it had its importance for the defense of the collective common interests in Vera Cross, mainly because the space of the reading and the writing, modernizing itself always, is an election space, has detached, dispute and power, that if materialized in the politics public and partisan. The moment of the auto-evaluation is occasion author to leave it itself and to look at itself of it are, considering a stranger whom it needs to be criticized constructively.

Establish Ideological Bases

October 15, 2012

They went to the courts of Place of Castile to show its solidarity with the prisoners in the argument of this week. The thematic assemblies on economy, environment, feminismos or culture have had a reduced affluence. ' indignados' they think that these assemblies help " to conexionar movimiento". The incidents of these days deslegitiman 15-M? The Door of the Sun recovers east Saturday its daily routine, with some tourists and neighbors who took a walk by the streets that end at the place, of where claiming placards and slogans have disappeared after the concentration of ' indignados' of the movement 15-M that concluded at daybreak. Thematic assemblies East noon, the movement has gone to the courts of Place of Castile to support with the prisoners this week in the argument who took place in center of Madrid. Two of them, after declaring during two hours, have been set free, with the condition for being at the disposal of the judge if it is required to them. These ' indignados' they are united to which or was released this Friday, which means that or they are free all the arrested from the past day 2 of August, according to confirmed the commission of Legal of 15-M.

' indignados' , that after conquering the centric place of the east capital they evacuated it to Friday of pacific form, it maintains the acts anticipated for this weekend in all the capital, between which they are to show all their support the prisoners in the protests that have taken place days in the last. In addition, the movement had summoned to the 20,00 hours of afternoon of this Saturday II the Social Forum 15M ' Intercalles' , thematic assemblies on economy, environment, feminismos or culture, that were going away to celebrate in streets and places near Sun. Nevertheless these assemblies counted with one have reduced attendance.

Finish Article

September 30, 2012

When we paid attention to books in the businesses to the street, we always see the cover with the title and the name of the author printed in the front and lateral part. In marketing with article, the details of it wrote whom it the important article and other details about the person always must be placed in the part inferior that is known like the box of the resource. The box of the resource is " biography of autor." Also &quot is called to him; seal" , that is the abbreviation of the company/signature. There are certain things that must be placed here that never there is to forget to include so that people know who you are. First of all, it is your name. Some people use their real names, whereas others use a pseudonym.

If your you are a doctor, to speak of your title because this adds credibility to your article. If the article that you wrote is the promotion of a company and you want that others see your previous work, you do not forget to indicate your direction of page Web. In order to create a box of resources, you need a very clear writing that one is made up generally of 1 to 3 phrases that it gives a brief summary him than your you are offering. Also you will need what is called a call to the action that is much more short that the summarized writing. It could be something as well as. " If you want to know more about my visits product ". Other elements that can be included in your box of resources could be the direction of subscription of the cc$bbs. This will allow you to send fresh articles and the information on new products that you are selling. If you decide to do this, asegrate that there is an electronic publishing direction of subscription separately.