Finding Diamonds in Ghana

December 8, 2013

Then when greed is aroused by such a fortune, the farmer felt poor, she was not satisfied. That night he could not sleep. The next morning he ran to greet his guest and asked eagerly: – “Where I can find diamonds? – Urging the wise. The priest looked surprised .- Diamonds?, Why do you want diamonds? – – Well, I want to find diamonds! – Insisted. The priest looked at him very deeply before answering: – Diamonds are found in mountain rivers with sandy bottom and clear water Amhed .- We shall then sold his property and everything that was in it, without getting too much profit.

He left his family in the care of a friend and went to look for diamonds. With great wisdom began their search by contacting the mountains of the moon, and continued his hopeful way to distant lands to exhaust all his money and found no diamonds. Finally, tired and desperate in front of a Mediterranean beach, plunged into the deep coastal waters, and no never again heard from him. Meanwhile in the former Amhed farm, was raised a little incident. The new owner took the camels to drink a small oasis within their lands, when an animal with its leg up a dark stone. The farmer caught his curiosity raised the small boulder, took him home and put it on the table. The old priest, who regularly visited the new home, that day was warmly welcomed by the current master. When the philosopher’s stone found on the table gasped: – A diamond! – – That’s not a diamond the farmer replied – Oh, yes, answered the anointed one, I know very well, where do you find? – So they went where the stone had been dug and dug the sand, they found fields and diamond fields.

He had been everywhere and abundant wealth that did the farmer and the place soon became a mine. From this mine of Golconda diamonds extracted and Ko-hi-nor of the crown British. The unfortunate Amhed had always lived on thousands of diamonds without even coming to discern. What happened was deeply pondered by the wise old man and a night when he was meeting with the rich farmer said with his gaze fixed on the distance: Poor Amhed!, Lived on an incalculable fortune, rich and happy being sought outside the home as I had inside. What a terrible blindness of men in distant lands seeking the wisdom and riches virgin carry within them! –

Tips For Beginners: The Target Audience

December 5, 2013

Opening his case, many believe their markets around the world. Why focus on a certain circle of consumers, if we can work with all of them? According to Lisa Fortini-Campbell (Lisa Fortini-Campbell), Visiting Professor Management at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management and founder of consulting firm The Fortini-Campbell Company, the original approach to business – one of the biggest problems beginners businessmen. They are so grateful to everyone who buys their products / services that do not consider it necessary to make the next logical step and to provide for the business market segment. On the basis of Article 75 Startup Secrets Mark Henricks, Gwen Moran, Chris Penttily (Mark Henricks, Gwen Moran, Chris Penttila) Avoid guesswork Already having a professional and life experience for shoulders, half-baked business owners believe that their consumers are aware of absolutely everything. At the same time, few remember the saying "As people do not judge myself." Need to know what is waiting for your potential buyer.

The easiest way to get this knowledge – to examine the activities of your future competitors. For now, until you opened the door of his office, the consumers of your products / services they receive it from competitors. Learn all can learn. Draw a portrait of an ideal buyer determine for yourself who you most interested in as a buyer. Opt? Retail? Organization or individual? Consumers with high, medium or low income? Describe your ideal customer as much detail. On the basis of this portrait, you can build your interaction with the best clients so that they will always come back to you, and thoughts go to the competitors in They will not arise.

Survival International

November 28, 2013

Meanwhile, indigenous peoples in Malaysia and Indonesia have been uprooted by the aggressive expansion of oil palm plantations for bio-fuel production. Also, the cemeteries of nuclear waste and the construction of hydroelectric dams displace indigenous peoples from their ancestral territories climate change impacts on indigenous peoples throughout the world include: In tropical and subtropical areas, the increase in diseases associated with higher temperatures and vector-borne and waterborne diseases like cholera, malaria and dengue fever, drought and desertification, lead to more forest fires that disrupt subsistence agriculture, hunting and gathering subsistence and the serious loss of biodiversity; Different seasonal changes in the appearance of birds, the blooming of the flowers, etc. are now occurring before or disconnected from the regular season or weather patterns; In the arid and semi-arid : excessive rainfall and prolonged droughts and dust storms that damage grasslands, crops, other crops and livestock; In the Arctic, waves stronger, the thawing of permafrost and the mountain glaciers and melting sea ice, coastal erosion and river banks, smaller populations of animals and the introduction of new marine species due to changes in animal desplazamientod and migratory routes; In boreal forests, new types of insects and insect life longer endemic (eg spruce beetles) that destroy trees and other vegetation in coastal regions and small island developing States, erosion, hurricanes and typhoons stronger, cause loss of freshwater supplies, land, mangrove forests and the dislocation (environmental refugees) Increasing food insecurity due to declining fish stocks and coral bleaching, loss of crops by harmful pests (eg locusts, rats, beetles, conifers, etc), and increased food costs due to competition with demand for biofuels; Extreme and unprecedented cold spells resulting health problems (eg hypothermia, bronchitis and pneumonia, especially for the elderly and children). It is interesting to note that some measures to stop global warming are at risk of being so damaging to indigenous peoples as climate change itself, according to a new report by the indigenous rights organization Survival International. The report, more uncomfortable truth of all: climate change and indigenous peoples, lists four “mitigating measures” key that threaten indigenous peoples: 1. Biofuels: promoted as a source of green energy compared to fossil fuels, much of the land they cultivate is the ancestral land of indigenous peoples. If the expansion of biofuels continues as planned, millions of Indians around the world will run out of their land and without their livelihood.

2. Hydropower: a new boom in the construction of dams on behalf of the fight against climate change is driving thousands of Indians from their homes. 3. Forest conservation: in order to “offset the damage” of global warming is forcing Kenya hunter-gatherers Ogiek to leave the jungle where they have lived for hundreds of years. 4. Offset carbon emissions: forests of indigenous peoples now have an economic value in the growing market for carbon credits. ” The Indians believe that this will lead to forced evictions and the “theft of our land.”

Laurus Capital Management

November 13, 2013

The U.S. bank Merrill Lynch and Co. and Laurus Capital Management, LLC, returns and growth S&P 500
announced on Monday a series of personnel changes in Latin America, financial consultants also in penny stocks of course also in the various Stock markets and the share prices, because it seeks to expand its wealth management business in the region and integrate with the area of investment banking.


Property Credit

November 8, 2013

After the market analysts, the rate of unemployment could reach digits for the end of year both. With numbers in red by where he is wanted to watch the Chilean economy, the government of Bachelet no it hoped to see the effects of the plan of economic stimulus announced time back and sent a new package of measures with a clear objective: to foment the credit for the SMEs (small and medians companies) and the families. Analyzing the 20 measures contemplated in the new plan of economic stimulus it is observed that 9 of them are directly of financial support to the companies, whereas the other 11 has an administrative objective since they are destined to improve and to facilitate the proceedings for the small ones and medians companies. Between the new measures they stand out the extension of up to three years, the term to reprogramar the tributary debts and the promotion of a greater competition in the credit market. According to estimations of the Chilean minister of Property, Andres Velasco: In our estimation, the set of these 20 measures could produce around US$ 3,600 additional million of additional private credit. Beyond the analyses that can be realised on the same, it is necessary to say that the new measures were well received by the specialists in the matter. In one it notices signed by Magdalena Winter, Bernardita Aguirre and Road Fernando in site Chilean Economy and Businesses, reproduced the opinion of Jose Ramon Valente, economist of Econsult, that considered the measures: Effective. In the sense that it is needed to enter the small area so that the things really happen. In that sense, I value that the retail task is made see where the credit is stagnating to eliminate those ties. Although they are not so easy to understand, they are super important, and that is positive.

Business For Selected Companies

November 2, 2013

The Business Directory is used by companies, freelancers and the self, to be quickly found by potential customers. The online directory has replaced the printed version of this almost complete, as this offers some advantages. The on-line entries will be listed, the company usually within minutes or hours and can be easily found by potential customers. Another plus point is the possible changes that may be entered immediately on the Internet, for example if they move or change phone number. The printed Yellow contrast, allows a change, or a record, only about twice a year. Business directories not only offer companies the opportunity to raise awareness, and thus revenue, but also potential customers can quickly sought to identify companies in their region. The various portals to offer to various search functions, with which consumers are looking for an industry, for example, a name or a productcan. Business Marketing is part of an important means to attract new customers. The free entry usually contains only the most basic information such as name, address, phone number, email and the website of the company. With an expanded entry, the company can add a descriptive text, which presents not only his own company, but also offered products and services. The Industry Directory entry looks a lot more professional and helps win the confidence of potential customers. The extended entry fee in most cases, but is offered on highly concessional terms. Depending on which Business is selected, a one-off fee is payable, or a monthly fee. The Business Directory Switzerland can be used, for example, when looking for products in Germany are not available. Through the worldwide shipment of goods can also be ordered via Switzerland. For companies should be also asupra-entry, would allow the company also demonstrated a high degree of flexibility.

Create Entrepreneurs

October 30, 2013

The most basic question, which concerned all, without exception, people who are going to open my own business – it does not burn, it does not run off the rails and not to remain in the result and with no money and no business. And these fears one of the few who have a real reason for existence. After all, in fact, creating and maintaining your business in our school and college do not teach. There is prepared only good wage workers. Most often, among our Friends of successful entrepreneurs, too, there is no (these people prefer to communicate in a circle such as entrepreneurs). And even if such people are among friends, it is unlikely that they will be able you something to help but to cheer you up and inspire the creation of the business.

Therefore, in most cases, those who read these lines, we have to rely only on its own strength, knowledge and experience. Well, if the forces are still far not passed, then the necessary information and experience, things are much worse. Therefore not surprising that most new entrepreneurs go bankrupt in the first months of their activities as a result of returning to employment and then to the rest of my life remain convinced that the creation of svogo case – this stupid and pointless idea, and assure themselves and all others that are much calmer work for a salary.

International Academy

October 27, 2013

Training starts every Monday. language courses in germany plan to enter one of the universities Germany? Want to improve German language skills for work or do business with foreign partners? A few words about the program: We offer training in schools eurasia institut (Berlin) and F + U International Academy (Chemnitz, Erfurt, Gottingen, Heidelberg); Wide range of courses: from the general course of German language to the long-term programs (for those entering in Studienkolleg and universities of Germany); Length of the course of months to a year; Cost of course – from 400 euros per month. When buying long course entitled to discounts on training; Choices of accommodation – from a room in a student dormitory to a separate apartment. In language schools in Germany, you can prepare for the exams dsh or TestDF. Why should learn German in Germany? 1. The most highly developed country of Europe, 2. Subject to purchase the course over 3 months you get long-term visa with right of renewal in Germany. Upon completion of this course, you can take the exam at knowledge of German and enroll in any university in Germany, 3.

School all year round. Start dates – the first Monday of each month. German-speaking, can join the group corresponding level at any time (after passing the entrance test for knowledge of the language), 4. Big country – great opportunity! After graduating from a German university problems with employment generally does not arise. Language courses in kanade Want learn English from scratch or improve language skills? planning to enroll in a Canadian university, and decided to thoroughly prepare for exams? Do you want to take the exam for a certificate toefl? A few words about the program: Recommend training at a language school ilac.

Restaurant Classic Japanese

October 21, 2013

It is worth noting that the restaurant attracts additional customers. In addition, on the second floor is nightclub, which allows “Okinawa” function as chill-out. According to the leaders of the restaurant, Japanese cuisine is more popular than the European. “Most bought rolls -” Philadelphia “,” California “- said Vyacheslav Buinachev, director of marketing. – I like to visitors and our specialty “Fushigi” (shark fillet with pineapple). In addition, during the cold season is sharply increased demand for the delivery of land. Outdoors cold, people do not want to go anywhere. So they bought meals at home. ” In general, the restaurant is aimed at middle-aged people. Average ticket is 600 rubles. Restaurant Yoko Bank’a () is a network of Japanese restaurants in Chelyabinsk each of which is decorated in its category: the classic Japanese restaurant, a young sushi bar and restaurant in the style of fusion. Latest offers visitors the Japanese and European cuisine in a ratio of 70% to 30%. Average check $ 500 rubles. “The Japanese dishes are in great demand – approximately 60% of orders – said Inna Kuznetsova, managing a restaurant. – Most bought our company rolls and desserts, for example, “banana tempura (fried banana) or a pear light batter with wasabi. Are also popular grilled dishes and snacks. Approximately 20% of orders have to deliver. ” Interestingly, in the restaurant there is an interactive component. According to Inna Kuznetsova, the chef can vary recipe dishes in accordance with the wishes of a particular client. Tokyo Restaurant Classic Japanese restaurant with a classic Japanese interior design: a small room for 27 seats, ikebana, translucent door panels, the Japanese painting, hieroglyphics There is a “Tokyo” for more than four years. The menu only Japanese cuisine. According to the manager, Olga Voronina, most visitors of the restaurant like rolls with salmon and eel, but it is often bought and hot dishes with garnish, such as yakitori – chicken kebab. Very popular in the Japanese restaurant binzes lunches. They account for approximately 80% of orders. For a business lunch in the restaurant there is a special menu. Average ticket (without alcohol) – 700 rubles. Restaurant Itsu () Another representative of Japanese traditional cuisine, but, unlike “Tokyo”, in the interior Itsu felt notes of the Art Nouveau style. The main hall has 20 tables in the center “room of the Buddha” on two tables. Also in restaurant has a separate VIP-room. The restaurant opened this spring. According to the director of Maxim Bespalov, Itsu is aimed at young people and active people of all ages who enjoy Japanese cuisine. The restaurant works chef from Japan Takaisi . “In the menu of about 30 species of land – says Maxim Bespalov. – Guests love our brand rolls Itsu, rolls with apple, Hawaiian rolls with pineapple, rainbow roll It is often bought traditional “Moscow” and “California.” In addition, we have a campaign “Sushi lawlessness”: you pay 399 rubles, and eat sushi as you want. ” Itsu famous only in Chelyabinsk, a sushi robot. This conveyor belt on which the moving dish. From them, visitors can choose what they like. The advantage of this method of service is that visitors do not need to wait until execute his order. Another “highlight Itsu – this is cinema. Here visitors can not only eat Japanese cuisine, but also watch the movie of your choice from the collection of the restaurant or from your own disk. With all this restaurant is relatively inexpensive. The average check is in the range of 600 rubles.

Russian Association

October 20, 2013

The specialists working on the advertising business is assumed that souvenirs owes to one of the salesmen of the American insurance company, which is in the middle of the XIX century to provide the thought of their advertising calendar card unit. It took 50 years and the beginning of the XX century as promotional gifts have been used not only pens and cards, and tarpaulins for trucks and even horse popony.Klassifikatsiya Classification souvenirs can be very diverse. First of all it makes sense to divide the whole of her souvenirs souvenirs prednaznacheniyu.Promo: Direct assignment of this type of gift – an increase in sales company. Pens, lighters, notebooks and badges with company logo – these gifts are presented in the first place consumers of goods and services rather than partners or kollegam.Biznes souvenirs: The second category of souvenir product is designed for prospective or already held for business partners. These include, for example advertising listovki.VIR souvenirs: It's exclusive and most expensive gifts, which are often ordered in a single copy for a particular cheloveka.Ruchki and other small gifts icons, lighters, pens and other souvenirs are quite an important element in advertising, in particular branding tool for carrying logo, trademark and proprietary details of the company. They can donate as partners in the workplace and colleagues.

Calendars – an important component of promotional products of any company, its business card. They are always on mind and attract the attention of any and all categories of citizens, so that they can give anyone. Keychain – is a thing that almost everyone needs. Keychain can have a ring to which is attached a bunch of keys are also Opener Keychain, keychain, tape measure, keychain flashlight, etc. Keys to the thumb is always in your pocket, and if the original thing, it will always please her . production period before the Holidays for the souvenir market is perhaps the most lucrative. The most conservative estimate the total advertising market before the New Year celebrations grow on average by 20%, while the summer is often characterized by recessions.

Promotional merchandise – is an art with some parts of philosophy, according to many experts this case. In this souvenir market – a very accurate barometer of the economy as a whole. According to Director of the Russian Association of manufacturers and suppliers of souvenirs (RAPPS) Karen Vardporanyana, 'Souvenirs' is a rather rigid type of business, which is very sensitive to economic changes. While growing oil prices, strengthening ruble and rising purchasing power of consumers. So are the advertising budgets of Russian companies.