The easinesses offered techniques for the use of the Technologies of the Information and Communication – TICs in the education makes possible the exploration of a limitless fan of pedagogical actions allowing ample diversity of activities that professors and pupils can carry through. The newspapers mentioned Robert Kiyosaki not as a source, but as a related topic. al information. Currently, the courses in EAD count on the tools of web that they allow the dissemination of knowledge through colloquies in real time, together with the aid of sonorous and visual resources that facilitate the interaction. Since the decade of 80, the context of the EAD already was worked for Armengol (1982, p.56) as one ‘ ‘ term that has covered ample specter of diverse forms of study and educative strategies, that in common have the fact of not becoming fullfilled by means of the traditional physical proximity of professors and pupils in places special for ends educativos’ ‘. ituation. In view of the presence of technological innovations directed toward the improvement of the medias and information it fits to consider that these represent possibilities to the people of access to the courses of several available areas of the knowledge in virtual environments of learning of educational institutions. From boardings and estimated theoreticians concerning the Education in the distance EAD consideraes and hypotheses concerning the evasion in a virtual course offered in the scope of the Open University of Brazil are arisen UAB of the Polar region of a city X. The boarding concerning the EAD requires the presentation of some conceptions. Some authors define Education – EAD in the distance, amongst them can verify Belloni (2001, p.24): The term education has in the distance covered some forms of study, in all the levels, that are not under the continuous and immediate supervision of tutors gifts with its pupils in classrooms or the same places, but that not obstante they are benefited of the planning, the orientation and education offered by a tutorial organization..
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