Botha if became prime minister, if she characterizes the third phase of apartheid, in its declaration intended to finish with the segregation, but as form of bigger control of the population, created the system of national security (SSN) to make front the revolutionary agitations, the plan of ‘ ‘ strategy total’ ‘ (Jonge, 1991, p.66) its objectives, a military reply to finish with rebellious activities in the black cities, and the extermnio it CNA. In the 1983 Bothas it creates a new constitution, with parliamentary system, where three chambers would be formed, one for whites, one for the mestizos, another one for the Asians, these would be responsible for claims of each racial group, and would vote separately. New fronts appear antiapartheid that Frente Democrtica Unida (FDU) and National Frum had made opposition to the new constitution, on to the CNA and the CN, respectively, both had launched separate campaigns of boycotting the parliamentary elections. The efforts of Botha to restrain and to remodel had little had effect, therefore the black militancies obtained to make front its strategies. In 1975 the CNA comes back with more vigor and initiates engages in guerilla warfare armies, and receives militant trained from Angola and Moambique, them knew that the warlike power of the government was bigger and would practically be impossible wins it, but the main objective was to break the moral of the defenders of the regimen and to bring alliances, and showing the black population that was possible to knock down this regimen. In 1980, the CNA made some incursions in the bases of the government, and the government retrucou invading the bases of the CNA in Moambique, Lesoto, Zimbbue, and many you lead had been assassinated. In 1984 in Joanesburgo another mobilization in townships blew up (cities dormitories, destined to the blacks) was several the dissatisfactions, for the fact of the economic contraction where the country had entered in years 70, where the condition of the population decayed very, the repression excess, had mobilizations of mass, that if they had transformed into battles and black and police activists.
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