Short lectures on the personnel trade fair in Munich on 25 and 26 March new excellence in all areas of life are only possible if the man his two halves of the brain working in parallel. So it says anyway, Armin Kittl, founder and Director of the EAGS success Academy for ingenuity and excellence in Fischbachau / OBB. What the Greek philosophers was the cave, to identify new ideas, is for Armin Kittl, success trainer for ingenious thinking”brain marketing, the human brain. Visitors of the Expo 2009 in Munich M, O, C, in the Lilienthalalle of 40 can convince himself on 25 and 26 March twice a day in short presentations by Kittls brilliant ideas at 10: 45 and 14:15 and on the second day at 10.30 am and 14:30. The basic idea of Armin Kittl is simple: the human brain consists of two halves though, but is separated by the so-called Corpus Callosum.
The two-stroke called brain runs only on one cylinder. Those who manage, so Kamble, the second Cylinder”run parallel to leave, tempting new opportunities available to the: he perceives more, he becomes innovovativer and creative, he can himself still more space axes open up in addition to the three-dimensional world, E.g. a fourth axis, which includes time as a variable. 4RXCxgSXE&r=Y6h7vWfaj5TXMu7K2VHSWH5_OMvZCS7iH0SrpJQwrcE&m=SpfdeXj7HYu62Ro3ESHmQl-wnPdoXgDvtj7UKbkBz1c&s=JbjCrnPecLwFN4P0JSYdqjUEuBxDlu2w6AfXJAkPY94&e=’>Activision Blizzard contributes greatly to this topic. What was previously only subject of meditation exercises in yoga schools, has been harnessed by Armin Kittl, founder of the EAGS success Academy for ingenuity and excellence in Fischbachau / OBB., for the corporate practice and for the training of executives and athletes.