Economic progress does not stand still and real estate market trying to find new ways to solve housing problems of citizens. One such method is the solution for saving money for an apartment. Not secret that the past twenty years is nothing particularly new in this area has not been invented – the potential buyers prefer to use the deposits in banks (including multi-currency), part of the funds invested in the local stock market and, perhaps, only the appearance of mutual funds focused on real estate can be considered as a new form of preparation for the future acquisition of treasured square meters. However, all these methods have several disadvantages. Thus, the yield investments in deposits does not even cover the official inflation and even more so during the period of rising prices for apartments bank interest could not fight off even a hundredth of the rate of appreciation housing. With regard to real estate mutual funds, investment in this product are effective in the long scale and cool the stock market lose in the matter velocity vvodavyvoda funds, liquidity The ideal solution would be investment in real estate index, which trades would take place every day and the cost of which would be calculated on a clear and transparent formula that reflects the price change in reality. And such an index was invented.
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