Then when greed is aroused by such a fortune, the farmer felt poor, she was not satisfied. That night he could not sleep. The next morning he ran to greet his guest and asked eagerly: – “Where I can find diamonds? – Urging the wise. The priest looked surprised .- Diamonds?, Why do you want diamonds? – – Well, I want to find diamonds! – Insisted. The priest looked at him very deeply before answering: – Diamonds are found in mountain rivers with sandy bottom and clear water Amhed .- We shall then sold his property and everything that was in it, without getting too much profit.
He left his family in the care of a friend and went to look for diamonds. With great wisdom began their search by contacting the mountains of the moon, and continued his hopeful way to distant lands to exhaust all his money and found no diamonds. Finally, tired and desperate in front of a Mediterranean beach, plunged into the deep coastal waters, and no never again heard from him. Meanwhile in the former Amhed farm, was raised a little incident. The new owner took the camels to drink a small oasis within their lands, when an animal with its leg up a dark stone. The farmer caught his curiosity raised the small boulder, took him home and put it on the table. The old priest, who regularly visited the new home, that day was warmly welcomed by the current master. When the philosopher’s stone found on the table gasped: – A diamond! – – That’s not a diamond the farmer replied – Oh, yes, answered the anointed one, I know very well, where do you find? – So they went where the stone had been dug and dug the sand, they found fields and diamond fields.
He had been everywhere and abundant wealth that did the farmer and the place soon became a mine. From this mine of Golconda diamonds extracted and Ko-hi-nor of the crown British. The unfortunate Amhed had always lived on thousands of diamonds without even coming to discern. What happened was deeply pondered by the wise old man and a night when he was meeting with the rich farmer said with his gaze fixed on the distance: Poor Amhed!, Lived on an incalculable fortune, rich and happy being sought outside the home as I had inside. What a terrible blindness of men in distant lands seeking the wisdom and riches virgin carry within them! –