I’m sure that has happened to many of you arrive to your email messages invitandolos to huge business opportunities or any subscriber to your newsletter that you’ve never engaged in a relationship even through email writes you to find out about the opportunity that had been joined by. The question for them is: what is the reason why they believe that I would be willing to join your team? The reason is the lack of information about as you are forming teams these days. We have written on many occasions the importance of creating a prior relationship with your prospects and be able to convert them into customers, but without the need that you have to sell your business, product or service, but that they will buy when they want. The important thing is to understand that your prospects will join you, not by the product or the company, but will do so because you’re you that is inviting and perceive that you can help them achieve their goals. However, most of the people He has not understood this, they continue sending mass mailings, that all they do is achieve the recipients to ignore them. Same happens on social networks like Facebook or Twitter. Yet few friends or followers? that they are intended to simply send you messages with the intention that you go to the page of your business opportunity prospecting, it is the only shared throughout the day and the next day. also.
The funny thing is that from one day to another they have the same number of friends and repositioned the same link. The good thing is that both Facebook and Twitter have options to hide these people or unfollow them. It’s like when you try living with a girl. Perhaps presented it you long ago or just meet, but you’ve never seen them and least talked with her and suddenly you arrive propose you marriage.