This seeking change your body figure or trying to lose weight belly without the need to go to a gym? If so, try this routine of cardiovascular exercise that will only take 10 minutes to complete. With this routine for 10 minutes you can burn about 150 calories. The first 2 minutes of this routine: skip cuica or rope start by run 2 jumps per turn of the rope. For safety: use a string of correct size for you and always fall gently on the ball of your foot (is on top of his foot near the toes). Keep in mind the thought: I am slimming. 2 To 3 minutes: of deadlift to lizard (push-up).
In this exercise, you must be standing relaxed with arms extended down as we normally are standing. Lower your body doing a deadlift until your thighs are parallel with the ground. Then, put in the position of lizard (push-up) and then a repeat of lizard. Quickly to stand and start again with the deadlift. Keep repeating: the fat fades. 3 To 4 minutes: skip cuica or rope again. This time a single bounce per turn of the rope.
Kept repeating: so I will lose my belly weight. 4 To 5 minutes: again, of deadlift to lizard, but this time add the side plank. After making the deadlift and the lizard, being in the position of lizard with its body extended and lifted up by his arms, turn your body towards the left raising his left arm straight toward the ceiling and left foot remaining on his right foot. You will be in shape of a cross on the ground with one arm by raising your body from the ground and also turn your head towards the ceiling. Hold this position for 1 second and then the position of lizard. Now repeat the same process for the right side. Once done with the left and right side, back to original position (of foot) to begin again with the deadlift. Kept thinking: Goodbye tummy. 5 To 6 minutes: skip cuica or rope. Same as the 3 to 4 minutes. Kept thinking: slimming tummy. 6 To 7 minutes: again, of deadlift to lizard. But this time when it reaches the position of lizard and have run a repeat of lizard, lift your left foot toward the ceiling at a distance of around of meter left foot of the right. Hold this position for 1 second and do the same with the other foot. Having executed this with both feet, return to original standing position to begin again with the deadlift. 7 To 8 minutes: skip cuica or rope. The same thing in the 3 to 4 minutes. 8 To 9 minutes: again, of deadlift to lizard. But this time when it reaches the position of lizard and have run the repetition should be jogging in the same place without leaving the position of lizard. You don’t have to scroll through the soil, they simulate it jogs over the same place. Be sure to raise your knees until almost chest and run 5 trotadas and repeat the process of deadlift. Kept saying: slimming tummy. 9 To 10 minutes: skip cuica or rope. The same as in the first 2 minutes. Complete thinking: doing this all day I’ll lose my belly weight guaranteed. Do you want to know what should be added to this small routine slimming your tummy much faster? Discover it now by clicking here.