They went to the courts of Place of Castile to show its solidarity with the prisoners in the argument of this week. The thematic assemblies on economy, environment, feminismos or culture have had a reduced affluence. ' indignados' they think that these assemblies help " to conexionar movimiento". The incidents of these days deslegitiman 15-M? The Door of the Sun recovers east Saturday its daily routine, with some tourists and neighbors who took a walk by the streets that end at the place, of where claiming placards and slogans have disappeared after the concentration of ' indignados' of the movement 15-M that concluded at daybreak. Thematic assemblies East noon, the movement has gone to the courts of Place of Castile to support with the prisoners this week in the argument who took place in center of Madrid. Two of them, after declaring during two hours, have been set free, with the condition for being at the disposal of the judge if it is required to them. These ' indignados' they are united to which or was released this Friday, which means that or they are free all the arrested from the past day 2 of August, according to confirmed the commission of Legal of 15-M.
' indignados' , that after conquering the centric place of the east capital they evacuated it to Friday of pacific form, it maintains the acts anticipated for this weekend in all the capital, between which they are to show all their support the prisoners in the protests that have taken place days in the last. In addition, the movement had summoned to the 20,00 hours of afternoon of this Saturday II the Social Forum 15M ' Intercalles' , thematic assemblies on economy, environment, feminismos or culture, that were going away to celebrate in streets and places near Sun. Nevertheless these assemblies counted with one have reduced attendance.