In fact, it tmese in account, that basic the emotional structure can be modified by means of a taking of brings back to consciousness and certain practice: the involved neurological circuits can be altered or be reinforced with repetition of certain habits. There a unique opportunity is abre to develop Emotional Intelligence: the childhood and the adolescence are two moments critics, but in the maturity the majority of the people can educate with advantage their emotions. Definitively it is important to identify how handling the emotions, where they are the main barriers that they prevent to obtain it, to take advantage of his potential such form that generates stimuli motivational that favor to him in the performance of their functions. For it is important to take into account the six principles from emotional intelligence are: 1. The emotions are a information form: they prepare us to the emotions for the action, they concentrate our attention and they give strength us.
Although the emotions not always are a source of intelligence, they generally provide information on relations and people. In other words, the emotions help us to survive. 2. To try to ignore the emotions rarely works: when people try to suppress the emotions in the name of the efficiency, usually she remembers less information. 3. People are not very capable hide-and-seek her emotions: the organizations only allow the expression of certain emotions like the anger; others, as the benefit, rarely are expressed.
4. An effective decision making must take into account the emotions: it does not leave of side his emotions, incorprelas absolutely to his decisions. The emotions are part than it makes the people human, and they really comprise of our rationality. 5. The logical landlords suppose the expression of emotions: the emotions influence in the thought. The positive emotions cause the creativity, you lie that the refusals allow us to concentrate us in the smaller details. 6. To take into account the universal and specific symbols from the emotions: for example, a happy face is recognized world-wide. * Source: Notes, forums of the chair organizational Behavior of the program management of the Quality and productivity of Phases. UC.