Coalition projects provide more opportunities for all parties: the organizer, partners, and customers. The organizer of the program and its Partners have the opportunity to work with customers when making their purchases of real, even when the client is not in service at the organization itself. There is more data to segment of the consumer behavior, expanding the means of attracting, retaining and developing customers. In turn, to increase customer value programs, the convenience and efficiency of its use. Conventionally, a coalition minus the program can be call complexity of a project. Affiliate Policy – part of the script of the program, it is determined the objectives of the program, and connect partners evaluated the possibility of achieving these goals, they have. Typically, partners choose to target audiences or the desire to reach the maximum number of spheres of life of clients. In any case, a coalition of the project there is always a "parent" company, the headliner, around which construct a pool of partners, which, incidentally, does not diminish the benefits and opportunities for partners.
To convince the same Harskogo Constantine ("Value Management for Business"), a coalition makes sense, if those involved in her company united by a common owner or a mandatory pass each other client, such as airline, hotel, car rental. "A truly successful loyalty programs is small, – says Constantine Harsky. – They are a sign – the client is not rewarded financially. For example, a motorcycle club "Harley Davidson". Suggest fan of Harley recompense for their loyalty, and you'll know why they have a reputation tough guys.