Indexing and indexing problem domains in the zone info – one of the most discussed topics on the forums dedicated to the promotion of sites. Because of its low cost domain registration and renewal, webmasters actively used sites info domain zone for doorways, satellites, govnosaytov and other resources, not differing quality content. Because of this environment arose in optimizatorskoy belief that Yandex is noticeably worse than the sites with the domain in the zone info, blocking them oxygen, were punished and thrown out of the index only for the fact that the site in the zone info. Price for domain registration info in the area are lower than in any other. Because of its low cost domain, people have used info-sites for doorways and resources, low-quality content. Because of this theory emerged among SEOs that search engine Yandex is worse than the sites in the blast zone info, but it throws in the index only for the fact that the site is located exactly in This domain zone. Domains in any area, whether ru, biz or org, no different from any other domain zones.
For search engines, all domains are equal, and for indexing sites in different domain areas and the search engines do not need to apply any complementary technologies. Do not love the search engine Yandex to domains known to all the info, but the soil under this theory, no. Yandex is struggling with doorway pages – is a fact, it's natural, it's right and that's fine. On the Internet a lot low-quality resources and search engines to filter out all the forces. Instead of build fifteen hundred doorways and satellite, make a decent white site, and earn prodvin.
It will be nice to yourself and themselves. And as a bonus: for a cool witty in conversation, you can mention that you are the administrator vysokoposeschaemogo site and proudly puffed out his chest. Yandex has ceased to index their doorways with stolen content, but they err on the search engine and the blast zone. It's a shame that people can not or do not want to look at their resources from outside. If the resource in the blast zone info is emitted from a search engine index – this is no excuse to sin in the blast zone! Take a look at your site with hand, view the article, pay attention to the number of selling options. And then think of his head. It is known that many factors affect the loss of a site from a search engine indexing. Even if you have articles holograph, then look at other people's websites on your topic, chances are that your Login or register already stolen piece by piece. Met people who openly claim that more than one site with a half- stolen content dropped from the index search engine Yandex sitemy. But what you want, gentlemen? Write quality unique content and you will be happy, and will not be falling out. Search engines do not learn to identify source position and we can not exclude option that your first-class content is stolen on govnosayty and naparsen in splogi. But the theory of banning the site of the blast zone is false by default, it all intrigues Hill-seo, not the problem domain zone info.