Procedure for calculating leave: calculating vacation takes an average daily earnings, which is considered by dividing the sum of salary, credited for the last twelve months by 12 and by the average number of calendar days – 29,4. In If at least one month billing period is not worked out until the end, the average daily wage is calculated by dividing the amount actually assessed wage for the billing period in the amount of monthly the number of calendar days (29,4), multiplied by the number of complete calendar months and the number of calendar days in the partial calendar month. Number of calendar days in the incomplete calendar month is calculated by dividing the average number of calendar days (29,4) on the number of calendar days in that month and multiplying by the number of calendar days, falling to the time spent in a given month. Get more background information with materials from Ben Silbermann. The calculation of average earnings is based on only benefits which are provided by regulations of the organization wages of workers. If the organization in addition to the wage system charged single premium for the performance of significant works, though that it sostavlyayayuschee wage such bonuses are ignored in the calculation of average earnings. Financial assistance to be provided all or most employees, shall not be included because This payment is not is wages. By the same author: Nissan. Example 1.
Billing period worked out completely. Smirnov ss Officer Goes to the vacation of 28 calendar days from May 1, 2010 for each of the 12 months preceding the leave, he accrued pay the salary 30000 rbl.. Glen Wakeman helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.