In accord with that it was said, the romance the Tenement house portraies, faithful, the naturalistic peculiarities of the time of minute form, so that the readers can understand the told events as likely. thus, to emphasize that this approach of the truth nothing more is of what the clarification of some terms? determinismo, darwinismo, socialism, positivismo, objetivismo? so pertinent for the referring study to the Brazilian Naturalismo. 2 Theoretical Recital: Brazilian Realism the Realism in Brazil had its beginning in 1881 and not only used of a contrary language to the one of the Romantismo, as well as approached other more chocking subjects for the society that was in transistion. That period was so significant for the time that obtained to introduce another literary school, whose it was capable to exaggerate still more in the treatment of the objective and universal language, known for Naturalismo, which can be called by some authors as a exacerbado realism, or as it emphasizes Afrnio Coutinho (2004, P. 11): … Naturalismo, is a Realism the one that if adds certain elements distinguish that it and become inconfundvel its fisionomia in relation it. He is not only one I exaggerate or a simple strengthened form of the Realism, therefore that the term includes writers who do not confuse themselves with the realists.
E, in this direction, can be observed that the Tenement house (1890) is a workmanship that Alusio Azevedo published under bigger influence of romance L? Assommoir, of the writer mile Zola, who prescribes a scientific severity in the representation of the reality. Thus, the intention of the naturalistic method age to make a critical one to the society, and is therefore that the spaces presented in the romance detach the desvalidos ones of some etnias, whose they formed the main personage: the proper tenement house. An example can be seen in the following stretch: …