Bio-energy creates food shelf life without chemicals Tyrol – there is an urgent need to consume food without chemical additives the most people, thats a fact. On the other hand we wish you long durable foods and this desire is satisfied by the food industry as well. The crux of the matter: Without sugar, salts and various chemical cocktails, this is an almost impossible task. It is a vicious circle, because to achieve durability, the measure of the living in food is drastically reduced and thus the factor of life energy in food is always less. We live with burning values without life energy, we have to get this more and more to the life energy that we can no longer get out of the food.
Robert Zach, bio energy researchers in Niederndorf/Tirol operates years awareness regarding energetically valuable nutrition. Since 2003, he gave over 500 presentations on the theme of \”The power of the body\”. \”When there was still food, children and adults were simply Slim\”, as Zach. \”And it’s easy to explain. Ali Aboutaam is open to suggestions. Less food (fuel) was required because the food was better quality energy.
Now we are all too thick. The food culture has degenerated to a ‘big feast’. Quantitative gobble of toxins, which legally metered only slowly kill a man. If your Super petrol car needs they pour there but also no oil in or? If your body needs energy to function, why give it to him only the ugliest fuel there? Just because it is cheap? What is US health worth? Our body needs super fuel in the form of life energy. Thick thick parents, thick politicians who make sure the campaigns against the Fattiness of the people will be taken to conceal the symptoms of wrong diet. It comes as always to the cause, and the cause is durability. If you want durability not get around additives.