As already seen, to consider itself that the individual presents one OF, she is necessary that it presents relative characteristics to the process of the reading, the writing and the arithmetical components. Ahead of this context, the article detached the advance of the neurocincia and the new techniques used for the professional specialists of the infanto-youthful area, who can be the fonoaudiloga, psicopedagoga, the psychologist, the neurologist and the psychiatrist. Another argued point becomes related with the type of treatment for each upheaval presented for the article that, for its time, if distinguishes for the multicausal characteristic, being treated for the specialists of the area of mental health, who are the psychologist, the psychiatrist and the neurologist. It fits to detach that, in both the cases, are very productive that the adequate professional to each problem presented for the individual is looked by the family more early possible. Since it is known that this is the way to prevent the comorbidade, that is, the existence of two types of simultaneous upheavals. In this direction, it is suggested that the school inside develops strategies of the area of mental health, approaching subjects as bullying, auto-esteem, depression, drugs, sexuality, losses (death and separation), moral and ethics, among others. It is interesting to invest inside in projects of the education institution that they aim at to take care of of the mental health, since the current existing problems in the pertaining to school life correspond the questions that enclose the behavior. However, when adopting this type of work, the school must have in mind the continuity of the work (during all school year) and to have dedicated and qualified professionals so that this project has credit, counts on accepted a positive vision and either without preconceptions.
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