For return of 1920 in Brazil the concern with the scarcity of the water did not represent a problem in fact. To leave the middles of years 70 enter and more necessarily in years 80, the population and society of shy form had started it to still awake for a future problem caused due to culture of the wastefulness and ahead of the idea of being the water a good of each one and infindvel. Still today we can observe ladies washing sidewalk and using the water as if it was a source inexhaustible, in the past this image was a constant. We retake in our memory and in we will remember water draining sidewalk to them measures, people washing its cars and the gang of street urchin playing with the water hose. Second, Antonio Eduardo Lanna argues that: the grant of a resource whose availability is random, as the water, has the complicador fact of not knowing itself how much available in period and in local data will be determined.
This determines the establishment of the joint management of the availability and the hdricas demands. (LANNA, 2000, P. 89) In this context, it still has the insertion of the analysis of the quality of the water, due to integrated management of quality and amount, which reflects in the relation availability x necessary outflow to the dilution of pollutants or loads of pollutants. Of any luck, the definition of criteria and procedures of used nature administrative technique and in the examination of grant order and its application for the competent agencies of hdricos resources they are of utmost importance, a time that the clear rules of use of the water can guarantee the effective access to all the uses, in attendance the beginning of the preservation of the multiple uses, as well as assuring the quantitative and qualitative control of the uses of the water.