The Autoirnicos Narrators de Andres Sant? Anna and of Marcelo Mirisola ' '? I promise? (it promised, I tava there and heard). I heard, yes. Blota Jr Was padrinho.' ' Marcelo Mirisola In the Literature produced in the contemporaneidade more has a trend of narrators in first person who problematizam the reality where are inserted, or than this its narratives if they give to give one I beat in everything what it bothers to them, that them cause anger. After the reading of stories ' ' A varnish to be is enough feliz' ' , of Marcelo Mirisola and ' ' The Red Mattered one of No' ' , of Andres Sant? Anna, I noticed the disturbing quo are the repetitions of some expressions and the irony that of them emanate. In Sant? Anna, the images if disintegrate to the measure that the narrator, compulsory and meticulously reiterates, them in a chaotic and transbordante syntax of cynicism.
In this direction the narrator is subject and object of the disintegration, therefore the same, the time and the space if dilute in the dilvio of its rhetoric. In Mirisola, we have a narrator that he displays the life close of a couple of friends, its badone, its ' ' vidinha' ' aburguesada, however the proper narrator is a bad-character, face-of-wood that he needs much varnish to take advantage itself of that it criticizes. Peculiar characteristic to both the texts is the permanent presence of the irony in order to provide the desconstruo of the structures of being able. The irony serves to call the attention the readers for situations that many times pass unobserved, or even though, they are ignored had to the fact to be already so current and treated with naturalness for the public. Another important characteristic in stories is the ambiguity that drift of the expression resource irony.