MATERIAL AND METHOD Two methods of research exist: inductive, where from particular data a general truth is inferred, and the deductive one. In this research it will be used the deductive method that, according to Barros and Lehfeld (1986), consists of a metodolgico resource where the rationalization or combination of ideas in interpretativo direction valley more than the experimentation of case by case. In the deductive model all the information or fatual content of the conclusion already was at least implicitly in the premises. The bibliographical research documentary and has as purpose to collect, to analyze and to interpret the existing theoretical contributions on determined fact, as I defined Barros and Lehfeld (1986). Through the study of the existing documentation it is that the investigator obtains better conditions to formulate and to determine its problem. The field research, for Barros and Lehfeld (1986), involves the collection of data in the place through the comment. This work of field is characterized, also, for the direct contact of the investigator with the study phenomenon.
This form of study demands the adequate control and the enough discrimination of what it must be collected. Barros and Lehfeld (1986) they agree that in the research-action the researchers play an active role, it looks for to unchain action and to evaluate them in set with the involved population. It has an interaction between researchers and searched, the study object is constituted by the social situation and the problems found in the situation. E, finally, the objective is to increase the knowledge of the researchers and to increase the conscience of the people and considered groups. The instruments chosen for the collection are questionnaires, with open and closed questions, and interviews. Questionnaire For Barros and Lehfeld (1986) questionnaire is a more used instrument for survey of information. Restricted to one amount of questions is not determined, to put is advised that he is not very exhausting discouraging the searched one.