Presentation of the CEFAPRO Center of Formation and Update of the Professionals of Basic Education SEDUC – TM CEFAPRO is reference of the Politics of Formation continued for the Professionals of the Education of the State of Mato Grosso, consisting Pertaining to school Unit of the Public System of Education, in partnership with new the technology, come back to take care of the professors who act in Basic Ensino, but opened to all the professionals of the Education. Its performance if of the one under the lines of direction and orientaes of the SUFP? Supervision of the Professionals of Basic Education SEDUC/MT. Our functions: To spread the official politics of Education of the State of Mato Grosso, thus taking care of what this foreseen in a Stronger Mato Grosso Agenda, to diagnosis the necessities, to support and to consider together formative action the Schools of the Public Net, to mediate the formative necessities of the professors and the Official Politics, fortifying and dinamizando the Net of Formation. Our performance is Continued formation of professors, characterized for the activities carried through in service, supporting in studies, courses, projects of research, referring the practical professor, metodolgicas application of research, participation in seminaries, workshops, work group, systematic and systemize reflection on the practical professor. Hyundai insists that this is the case. The activities occur in such a way in the headquarters of the CEFAPRO as in the accompaniment and visits the Units of Education and in the cities of the polar region of Rondonpolis. Our Priorities: Program of accompaniment to the professor in its environment of work, in the direction to keep permanently brought up to date, through projects and activities in agreement the necessity that if presents in the daily one of the practical professor. We take care of to the total of 17 cities and 108 Pertaining to school Units.
Our attributions in this year of 2005 were intent in: – Reinforcement of the Formation Continued for Ensino organized in Cycles; – Implementation of the Room of Professor in the Schools. The CEFAPRO is a true dialogue with the Formation and the Professors.