Parietal osteopathy, cranial osteopathy and visceral osteopathy osteopath can release blockages with their hands and relieve that tension and pain without the use of drugs, medical equipment or invasive measures. Especially famous are the successes of osteopathy in diseases of as persistent migraine and other types of headaches. Also in patients with muscle tension and back pain, sensitive and for years trained hands of osteopaths can loosen connective tissues and muscles in the painful areas of the body and thus eliminate the cause of the pain. “Activation of self-healing cranial osteopathy is a manual treatment method, in which the cranium”, is the Latin name for the skull, at the Center. By fine balancing of mobility of the skull bones and meninges tensions are reduced and the free flow of body fluids such as blood, lymph and cerebrospinal fluid in the skull again manufactured.
Diuretic osteopathic treatment, many types of headaches and tension can be eliminated. In addition to the beat of the heart and the regular breathing frequency, there is a more steady rhythm in the human body. CSF is the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. It moves in its own pulse frequency that can be felt the osteopath. This rhythm, the therapist can determine pathological changes that affect the entire organism and may cause pathological symptoms. Cranial osteopathy activated and harmonized the pulsating cerebrospinal fluid and thus the self-healing powers of the body.
Parietal osteopathy in addition to the cranialen the parietal osteopathy is another area of osteopathic treatment. This resolve blockages at joints and other components of the musculoskeletal system. A blocked cervical spine can cause not only pain, even agonizing ear noises or attacks of Vertigo can in one Deformity of vertebral joints have their cause. Similar phenomena occur when blockages on the thoracic and lumbar spine. Often you will find the pain and disease-related symptoms in areas far from the actual blocking of the body. The patient must prepare, to be questioned by his therapists and investigates. Only if the interference can be associated correctly, the osteopath through targeted handles may cause the tension and misalignment. Visceral osteopathy can be influenced by an osteopathic treatment not only joints, connective tissue, muscles and fascia. On the subject of visceral osteopathy are the internal organs in the center of the treatment approach. Here, too, it is important that each structure has an own mobility is possible regardless of the tissues in the vicinity. Only the body can work completely. The therapist checks this mobility and uses any irregularities, to diagnose any existing dysfunctions. Troubleshooting of organs, the reflex mechanism is mobilized by the treatment again to allow the momentum of the body.