Social chaos theory / Chapter 7: Crisis, conflict and social chaos / ISBN 9789801241312 have stated in a previous essay (entropy, information and chaos) which corresponds to Chapter 2 of the book Social chaos theory, which is a constant process in social systems, as well as in natural systems, the presence and the consequential increase in entropy. Social entropy comes both from the internal dynamics of social structures as external to it media. Such chaotic dynamics are preceded by a prolonged phase of entropizacion, in which the contradictions of form and substance, which lead to centralization, and totalitarian social stadiums that are nothing more than a social controlentropia palmaria evidence, which will collapse as it has historically occurred in the evolution of all societies are evident: endogenously, to lead your very particular entropy and the consequential scenario of chaosfrom which a loop will run negentropico and new or renovated social forms will arise, either to give answer to the origins of the original chaos, either to reaffirm it in a reverse historical, often misunderstood but necessarily useful for social growth of society. Social entropy is therefore, by action and definition, a cyclic, dynamic, and complex phenomenon which can be said that every society has in itself the germ of its diversity, its progression, but also chaos necessary to engender it. This predestination may be due to many factors, but are those most deeply affecting performance entropic factors of political order and subsequently chaotic social conglomerates. 1. The logic of chaos: is there a logic of chaos? How to give explanation for that input and seemingly does not have logical judgment? This dialectic is given in a double sense: on one hand, the order is a source producing chaos, as when several dozens of eggs are mixed with vigorous enthusiasm for an electric mixer; There, a cause of regular character generates a turbulent, or effect in the case of an excessive social order that causes the transformation of the system from the chaos that sprouts from the rebellion and the discontent of those who feel oppressed, controlled and subsumed. .
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