The General Secretariat princely (SEGIB), the Directorate General of traffic (DGT) of Spain, the foundation of the FIA (Foundation for the automobile and society), Fundacion MAPFRE, the global service for the road safety of the World Bank with the support of the transitional Commission for road safety and the Royal Automobile Club of Catalonia (RACC), held in Madrid an important high level meeting on road safetyMonday 23 and Tuesday 24 February from El Deputy Minister of public works and transport of Dominican Republic, Eng. Mario Holguin underscored the importance of organization of meetings at governmental levels on road safety, as a platform for international cooperation in this field. He also spoke about the influence of accidents on the national economy, especially in poor countries, in short that the global crisis may not cast aside the road safety crisis, because they are inherent.He emphasized that without political or social awareness any road safety plan may be successful.All plan of safety on roads to reduce traffic accidents and the number of casualties as a result of these, will be doomed to failure if no compromises as topic of State policy which involves various sectors of society. The very high rate of road accidents in Latin America is affecting the GDP as the majority of Governments do not imagine it. For this reason, the Global road safety is becoming a logical reason that demand special attention in Government as the nation plan programs.The Dominican Republic does not escape from this calamity. 2008 Is qualified by a mortality rate in traffic accidents as long..
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