Huatabampo destinations of Sonora to the Southern State, borders to the North with the municipality of Etchojoa, to the South with the municipality of Aome, Sinaloa, to the East with the municipalities of Navojoa and poplars, and on the West by the Gulf of California. The municipality has 1,170 square kilometers representing the 0.63 per cent of the total area of the State and is located at an average altitude above 10 metres sea level. The most important towns in addition to the header are: Ejido Union, Yavaros, Sahuaral Otero, Etchoropo, Huatabampito, Moroncarit, Agiabampo, station Luis, Las Bocas, El Caro, Citavaro, Pozo Dulce and the Jupare. Main attractions tourist account with 110 miles of coastline, of which 70% are beaches with good topographic conditions ideal for the tourist impulse; the most important beaches are Las Bocas Norte, Las Bocas Sur, Bachomojaqui, Camahuiroa, Los Banos de Agiabampo and Huatabampito; Campos pesqueros as Santa Barbara, mouth of the Mayo River and port of Yavaros. In addition to the Church of Christ King, the alvaro Obregon Museum and Tomb of the same. Agriculture economy has an agricultural area of 27,963 hectares. The crop that occupies more area on surface is wheat with 35% of the annual total surface and maize is located in second place of importance. The organization that have succeeded in shaping agricultural producers is expressed in the functioning of a Union of credit, two detectors inputs agro-industries, a fund is farm assurance, an Association of dishes and another of potato producers.
Livestock by number of heads the principal livestock activity is the cattle. For the livestock it has 156 wells and watering holes, 34 dams and 17 aguajes. In second place of importance, is the pork through 18 farms with a population of 11,800 bellies in 1997; whose production is marketed toward the center of the country. Fishing takes place in the bays of Agiabampo, Yavaros, Santa Barbara, estuaries Aquichopo, El Elote, Moroncarit, in the beaches Huatabampito, Camahuiroa and Las Bocas; forming a coastline of 110 kilometers and a mirror of water about 16 thousand hectares.