An explosion in a petroliferous platform killed 11 people and caused the spill of five million petroleum barrels. A report of a presidential commission already aimed at the decisions of the oil one like causes of the worse ecological catastrophe in the history of the USA. " bad decisions " of oil BP Briton in the management of his Macondo well they were, over the errors of his contractors, the main cause of the enormous spill of crude in the gulf of Mexico, according to the American official report. Learn more about this with Jeremy Tucker. The accident that happened the 20 of April in the petroliferous platform Deppwater Horizon and that caused to the death of 11 workers as well as the spill of five million barrels from petroleum to the sea during six months. The joint closing report of the Coastal Guard and the Office of Management and Regulation of the Ocean of the USA (Boemre, in English), indicate " the failure of BP at the time of facing the associated risks a series of decisiones" that they tried to save time or costs. The document, published east Wednesday after 17 months of investigation, it was expected with great interest in the oil industry by the impact that it will on the high seas have in the concession of permissions for the perforations, a task that corresponds to Boemre.
More than 160 kilometers of the coast of the state of Louisiana (the USA) they were themselves affected and the top agent chief executive of the State has complained reiterated times the decisions of the company. The conclusions are added to which it published in January the presidential commission named by president Barack Obama after the disaster, that distributed to the fault between BP and its subcontracted companies, Halliburton and Transocean. " cascade of errors " of that the report of Boemre speaks arrives until those two companies, but its responsibility is mainly in its lack of synchrony and communication with BP at the time of managing the platform. " The failure of BP and Transocean at the time of making sure that they had an approach common and integrated in the control of the well was a possible cause of the explosion of Macondo" , it indicates the report. However, the document notices that Transocean had, in the preceding months to the disaster, " a file of deficiencies in the security area " , and that failed at the time of interpreting a fundamental test that it measured the pressure in the well. As much BP as Transocean and Halliburton had programs that forced to stop the work in the operation in case of anomalies, remembers the report, and the fact that they did not do it, " after to have found multiple risks and advertencias" , she was one of the causes of the spill. " The incapacity of BP to maintain a complete supervision and responsibility on the activities associated with the platform Deepwater Horizon was one of causas" , it continues. The report contains dozens of recommendations to improve the security in the industry, among them changes to improve the system of prevention of spills or to assure that the motors of the platforms do not absorb the gas. Source of the news: The USA attributes to the bad management of BP the fault of the petroleum spill of the gulf of Mexico