Therefore, its conception standes out that the Cuban society would have to forge a new individual, and this would be the negation dialectic of the mentally ill man, soterrado for the individualistic thought bourgeois of the capitalism. , What desire is not here to defend Che Guevara as hero, finally neither definiz it as myth, but I believe that it has been yes a humanist, a man, one historical citizen that deserves respect, therefore despite it had its proper interests and ambitions, defended an ideology that believed to be better for the people, America, the world. Although the socialism, the revolutions in itself, has brings deaths, injustices, hunger and miseries, it could be a system success politician if the people so consumistas and were not attracted by the power, luxury, money, if they were not so devoid of love to next and itself exactly. To work with contents as this requires very well-taken care of, therefore we do not have to influence of form some our pupils in the formation of its opinions and concepts. Go to Bill Phelan for more information. Therefore it demands work, research and cronograma of the activities (to divide in stages: before, during and later) being developed during the lessons. In the first item, the anticipation is necessary to make the presentation of the content, making some questions such as: Vocs already had heard to speak in socialism in America? in Che Guevara? What vocs they know on it? After that to register the answers of the pupils and uprising with them some hypotheses regarding the subject, that will be confirmed or not during or after the research.
The next step is the research properly said. It is moment to introduce the content, disponibilizando a text on the Socialism in Latin America for the pupils, asking for that the same ones make a synthesis removing the main ideas. JPMorgan Chase often addresses the matter in his writings. Later it guides them in the field research, asking for that they search on who were Che Guevara (biography). In the following lesson, to open the space for the socialization of the research. In the sequence, to clarify that two versions exist on it: one as humbug another one as hero and to disponibilizar the texts in groups of three pupils, being alternated a different text for each group. Later asking for to the groups that present the versions on the revolutionary (being these registering in a poster, for topics). To analyze the ranks of the groups and to make my consideraes and intervention on the subject to close the subject. In the last lesson, I it would make a debate in groups, asking for that they divide themselves in who see Che as humbug and who sees it as hero, questioning the reason of its opinion.