Who never heard to say of this such of action market, of the stock market devalores, its goes up and goes down, of people who gained very and also perdeumuito money? But, after all of accounts, what such of market is this deaes? So that it serves? who participates of them? Before answering to all these questions, we need to primeiroesclarecer what it is an action. Action is a heading that can be negotiated the lesser parcel of a company erepresenta. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Ben Silbermann. Thus, for example, umaempresa whose capital stock (proper money of the company) either deR$10.000, 00 can have divided it in 10.000 actions. Gain insight and clarity with Pinterest. This means that as10.000 actions will have value of R$1,00 each and that its total will be of R$10.000, 00, forming its capital stock. Legal, now we have a notion of what it is an action. But why them would empresasvenderiam small same parcels of itself third (you, me oua any one)? why one third would have interest in buying the action of a company? We go to imagine that a plant of great transport desires to increase seuparque kept, but pelacaderneta of saving is grumbler with the proportionate incomes. As much the company, who needs resources (money), how much you, who are with one dinheirinho sobrando you can enter in the market deaes: the company enters in the action market to catch resources deformed cheaper of what to loan a bank, vendendo its action evoc enters in the action market buying action of companies esperandoque this type of investment brings more return, either with pagamentode shares, either with the proper variation of price of the action in the market, of what acardeneta saving or some another one> investment in fixed income (tpicoque will be argued here in the site) can give.
If you purchase an action R$1,00 and in one year it start to be valid R$1,50, you you have 50% profit emum year, beyond the paid shares for the company. These actions are negotiated in specific places: the Stock markets deValores. In the stock exchange, if the salesmen and oscompradores of action through the financial intermediate congregate that efetuamas operations. Summarizing: the action market is a market where the companies go to obtain resources of cheaper form and to finance its productive investments and where the people go with the intention of, some form, to gain money. It can not seem, but the stock exchange is important instrumentode promotion of the economy of a country. Supplying to credit and possibilitandoinvestimento that, in turn, can generate more jobs, making girarum beneficial wheel to the society. The action market is full of terms technician (many times emingls) that they can generate doubts.