In my experience like trader professional when somebody asks for the management to me of its account encounter two types of very common clients according to the amount: Those that always has small accounts between 1.000 and 15.000 Euros want to win to him until 300%. Those that has great accounts but of 50.000 in future usually ask for maximum a monthly 12% (enough). A great client usually is but patient, reserved, sober and planned, she worked much to reunite his 50.000 and wishes to conserve it in the time, then he is not demanding and she requests maximum a 12%, this client understands that if requested little yield its risk will be smaller. The certain thing is that an account of 50.000 or 100.000 Euros is much more advantageous to tradear that an account of 5.000 Euros. In the other end we have the small investor: impatient, ambitious and often heavy, it whatever the cost demands the maximum yield of its small account. The negative part of this business is that when a small investor loses complaint but that the investor superior, why? Since I have already mentioned in others post, this type of clients lacks a plan of investment for its account, supposing that its account of 5.000 becomes 15,000 this client generally does not know what will do with those 15.000, its ambitious reasoning then says to him: – I want more! Typical of the clients with great accounts versus small accounts (Clients of 1.000 to 20.000 EUR/USD)? Impatient? Ambitious? Desperate? They lack an investment plan? They do not know when to retire? They do not know that to do with the gain? They always request reinvestment. Clients of 30.000, 70.000 EUR/USD in future: Patients? Planned? Reserved? Sober? Calmed? Discreet? They always retire his gains in time? They know that to do with his gain? Rarely they request reinvestment Generally ground not to operate accounts inferiors to 15.000, the wearing down is too much for its size but sometimes I make and treatment guide this small investor to maintain its investment in the time.
I always suggest to him to retire the yields he has whenever them, to ask to him for its plan of investment, he has but it to suggest to him that it can do with its gain. To give him rules than it can win according to its capital and try to balance its small gain of way which it can enjoy its yields and I of my satisfaction narrowing friendship beyond the businesses. This post to dedicated with love to all clients without intention to offend nobody but to construct safe businesses between all.