Together with Google forward exactly one year it’s been, that the Portugallierforum went online: the successor of the formerly biggest German-speaking Portugal Forum, founded by the “old” moderators and administrator team, had already succeeded after a short time, not only a Google page rank of 4/10 to reach, but to stand at the top in Google search on page 1. Motivated user contribute as well as the competent and friendly team, from which most members in Portugal – so live on-site -: probably the main reason that each request with in-depth information and real insider tips will be answered. Of course also the “fun of” not neglected: vacationers and residents meet not only in the Forum, but also regularly performs in “Real life” and learn to know this and appreciate. A lot has happened this year: from zero to less than 1000 users, more than 3100 topics and more than 20,000 posts – that speaks for itself. Also the operator, succeeded the formerly very successful, but fallow for a year domain to acquire and to integrate into the Wolfgang soon, successful entrepreneur and among owners of bratwurst cult status last bratwurst in America”in Sagres at the southwesternmost point of Europe, many from various documentaries is a term. Why did you buy the domain? Coming soon: Thus we give the opportunity to inform objectively, ad-free and free of charge on all imaginable topics related to Portugal our many, many years Portugal friends.The host team is the same remained and experienced for many years in the Forum Management. Qualified journalists, photographers and computer scientist make for smooth operation both in the moderation of the technique.
This ensures professionalism. It is also no wonder that this forum is modern, up-to-date and beautiful as all I know country forums about my second home for me.” There is enough information on the Internet. There is a forum of the country? Coming soon: We assist our visitors in the holiday preparation, give them current first-place tips and help those who deal with emigration thoughts, to make the right decision for her. For those people, the beautiful country in southwestern of Europe on the heart has grown, this forum should be a kind of virtual home – browsing, but also for specific factual information. We always provide readers with news from and about Portugal, which we take from the Portuguese regional press and then translate it into German. For registered users, there are special specials – for example, a calendar in the not only fixed and holidays as well as all major markets and fairs are included, but also events and events in all of Portugal. With this information at a glance we stand unique.” “In addition offers soon complement under the domain an information page, where, in an encyclopedia of Portugal of kind of” thematic connections at a glance are available: current knowledge easy understandable and functional ties. Coming soon: We have a well-rounded offer for those who want to find information about Portugal and in contact with locals and residents more information about Portugal. After just a year, we have succeeded to be at the top – as a standalone forum with the “Portugallier” as well as with the tried and true Portugal Forum succeeded we are without a doubt. We place emphasis on quality and competence: our concept is constantly checked, our software – with many elements that make easy browsing in the Forum – is up to date. We offer a wide with all information about Portugal any visitors and of course above all our registered users.