It fits to the State to promote the sustainable development adopting the beginning of the fairness, that promulgates rules of aiding to weakkest in competitions between parts of different force. The representative entities of the interests of classrooms need to have legitimacy and representation, as much of the patronal side, how much of the employees. The third sector appears as legitimate substitute of the gaps left for the public power and as monitorial of the existing relations you enter the too much actors. The private sector contributes with the empreendedorismo and investments come back toward the generation of job and income. The civil society is who disponibiliza the capital stock in the partnerships with the private sector and the government in the search of the common development.
Finally, one becomes necessary to breach the current form of if thinking about development, knocking down the existing barriers between the economic one, social and the politician, making with that these three 0 variable compose the foundation of the sustainable development. The politics of I stimulate the MPEs as form of if to reach the local sustainable development is basic in the promotion of a bigger social inclusion, through the economic growth with more equity. The more poverty and inaqualities Brazil presents, less competitive will be and less capable to construct and lined up integrated, prosperous regions with the regional economies and global. REFERENCES: BUARQUE, Sergio C. Methodology of Planning of Sustainable the Local and Municipal Development.
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