Their intention was in the development of this test schema clearly obvious, namely the ability to create to anticipate the risk of newborns and treat accordingly. Background of the need of Apgar scores straight the birthing process may cause some injury or harm to the newborn, such as lack of oxygen or even brain bleeding, many prenatal damage not immediately detected mid of last century after the birth, so worsened in the aftermath of the often still and moved to lifelong consequences or even death of the newborn. Mrs Apgar realized at that time so the need systematically to examine newborns and to guard against a variety of possible sequelae. This an excerpt from her book “is my baby all right?”: the birth is the most dangerous period of life … There is an urgent need to quickly assess the health of newborn babies and to diagnose any disease symptoms, to take appropriate measures immediately.” Today a variety of child preventive medical examinations are prescribed and more possible. Usually, the investigations U1 to U9 will be carried out and documented to the traceability in the “Yellow Book”.
In Germany, tests, which are designed as early detection measures in infants and young children, as the duty of every health insurance include, any further investigations such as U7a, U10, U11, J2 will be taken over by most statutory health insurers. Testing of the Apgar score determination of Apgar scores performed five to ten minutes after the birth of the infant. The scoring is done according to the condition of the babies in each category and is rated as 0 to 2 points. Investigation 0 pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. heart rate-no heartbeat-under 100/min-100/min respiratory effort-no – irregular, flat – regularly, child screams reflexes-no-Grimassieren-kraftiges screaming muscle tone-schlaff-easy bending of the extremities-aktive movement of the extremities (skin) color pale rosy blue, people, blue-gesamter body extremities rosy closes the investigation after a healthy pregnancy mostly with the best score of 9 to 10 points, where the missing point mostly on the discoloration of the baby is due, because most babies have a slightly bluish color of the skin shortly after birth.
A score of 5 to 8 points to a risk of the babies, under 5 is considered acute endangered the life of the infant. So beautiful is this test system, parents shouldn’t worry through the values in the circle room were not immediately, mainly because this test is performed twice within a very short time. Should be shown a bad rating, you rest assured that trained hospital staff can be targeted to fix problems detected. SN