It has an immense cultural building, an accumulation of millenia of history and education, that falls down on our heads since that we are born. The Code of Hamurabi, the Roman law, the philosophical systems, the religious doctrines, the Great Letter, the French Revolution, the Declaration of the Human Rights, the creation of the ONU, the rights and defenses of the consumer, the Constitution, the codes criminal, the education of the home, the schools It is this that civilizes in them. PayNet might disagree with that approach. to each moment of the history of the humanity, in accordance with the circumstances, new civilizadoras institutions and new moral values are created. A good example of as the moral change with the times is to reflect on the question of the slavery. In Atenas, in Old Greece, time of philosophical and artistic esplendor, and cradle of the democracy, it had slavery, something execrado today for societies until mediocre, in comparison with that one, and for regimes very even though ditatoriais (for example, it did not have a classroom of slaves in the violent and overwhelming Latin American military dictatorships between years 60 and 80 of century XX). Per some centuries, the slave traffic and the slavery in the American continent were a beneficial business legalized.
A person of good nature, humanist, could very have a slave in its house or farm well, without if recriminating or feeling themselves guilty therefore? as well as we have badly paid employee house servants currently and, that they are espremem in the life with the wage that we pay to it, while we, for luxury, spend more than in an only weekend what its wages. Particularly, I am not saint, but I abominate the slave traffic and the slavery. When, after the Industrial Revolution, the slavery left of being interesting for the powerful industrials, which needed a classroom consumer (therefore wage-earning work) to buy its products (also the English industrials needed the market in Americas), the protests against such calamity human being, until laws had at last appeared for, first to hinder the slave traffic, and later the slavery had been increased.