One of the ways to automate your sales of your products or services is accepting different Modes of payment, like cards of credit, money orders, banking transferences. Whichever greater modes of payment Brindisi to your clients, sera except the opportunities to lose to make a sale, because all the people do not wish to make their payments with cards of credit, not have confidence or run the risk of a fraud online. Between the companies that I can suggest to you, they are totally reliable, effective is his services in the international market, by his trajectory, as well that in their great majority is those that I use. Next I enumerate them to you and I give a brief description you of the same. 2Checkout This company is one of but efficient in the market, it accepts as much digital products anywhere in the world as physical.
The company has his soothes in the USA, offers a form you online of purchase in Spanish, besides as much having an efficient and fast service to the customer in Spanish as in other languages. The cost is of $ 49 by only time, receives 4.5% to you but $ 0.75 USD by transaction, send to you your money by check or banking transference. Clickbank This company solamenta accepts digital products, processes your payments with card online and Paypal. Furthermore it administers your program of affiliates, llevandote your accounts and paying your afliados. Its cost is of entrance is of $ 50 USD and $1 USD by transacion receive 7.5% to you +, enviandote your money by check.
Paypal It serves to sell products and services, to receive donations, subscriptions and payments appellants. It allows payments with credit card, transferences and accounts of Paypal. It acquires quotas of entrance, neither monthly, nor fees to terminate itself, nor demands annual commitments.