One thing I recommend is searching the discussion forums. Make inquiries about it, see what people are talking to them, what their concerns or interests. (3) .- Your Project. Choose one that excites you: Do not get obsessed with sales. He thinks at first, at the beginning, you have to invest much effort in promoting and promoting. And if your project does not get you excited, soon abandoned.
It is so important to have knowledge and be enthusiastic. If you do not have great knowledge, you acquire. But enthusiasm is already acquiring more complicated Think about it, if your business project excites you, seduces you, you not only making money, you’ll be enjoying your work. Ideal, right? (4) .- Buy a domain and a hosting service and professional performances: This is a neglected area that many new Internet entrepreneurs If you take your business seriously, get the necessary tools. Your visitors will quickly. Stay away from domains and free accommodation. Just to get a bit serious and professional image considers these costs as an investment in your business.
(5) .- Position yourself in the search engines: Many companies make the mistake of believing that just create a great site, very nice, put there your products or services and expect that customers arrive as if by magic. Do not forget that you, at least at first, you’re a stranger on the Web. Your visitors will arrive by Google type search engine. So your position is so important. You can hire the services of a company, and you can do things yourself, to establish some kind of alliance with any company other than direct competition to yours but has some relationship to what you sell.